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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary National Marine Sanctuaries Home Page National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Home Page


Our programs are designed for educators and schools or for those interested in volunteering their time. Activities range from monitoring water quality and studying tide pools to interacting with sanctuary visitors. kayker

Volunteer Programs

Our volunteer programs get you into the sanctuary and its watersheds, whether walking along the beach to collect data or kayaking on the bay to interact with sanctuary visitors.

Educator and School Programs

These programs offer your students a chance to learn about our local fisheries, collect scientific data while exploring tide pools, access distance learning programs, or pick their own environmental project to help protect the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Choose from the following offerings.

Sanctuary Exploration Center

Located in Santa Cruz, the center offers free self-guided tours with trained docents available to help your students get the most of out of their visit.

Distance Learning Programs

Can’t join us in person? Schedule a LIVE virtual interaction on sanctuary topics with associated lessons for your students!

Voices of the Bay

Voices of the Bay will introduce your students to Monterey Bay's rich fishing heritage as well as its relevance and value today.


Coastal Discovery Center

The Coastal Discovery Center in San Simeon, California offers guided tours, programs and field activities for school groups.

Ocean Guardian School

Does your school have what it takes to help protect the ocean for the future? Learn how to become an Ocean Guardian School!

B-WET (Bay Watershed Education and Training Program)

Looking for funding and opportunities to participate in environmental stewardship activities with your students? This program will help you get started!



In this field program, students are trained to study and monitor the rocky and sandy shores of the marine sanctuary.


kids at the beach
Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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