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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary National Marine Sanctuaries Home Page National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Home Page


Learn about the sanctuary and participate in activities to help protect this undersea treasure. A variety of events are offered throughout the year. kayker

Calendar of Events

Check out a current schedule of sanctuary and marine-related events!

image of mother and child playing in the surf

Get Into Your Sanctuary

When: Summer Months
Where: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

An annual event that raises awareness about the value of our sanctuaries as iconic destinations for responsible recreation through a series of free activities open to the public


Coastal Cleanup Day

When: Mid-September

Volunteers come together annually to pick up trash and debris from California's coastal beaches and watersheds.


When: Mid-April
Where: Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, CA

Fun and informative activities and displays celebrating whales and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in the “Whale Watching Capital of the World!”

Snapshot Day

Snapshot Day

When: Mid-April

Volunteers test water quality throughout the sanctuary's watersheds one day each spring.


First Flush

Held during the first major storm of the year, volunteers analyze water quality to characterize "first flush" storm water runoff.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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