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MBNMS Superintendents

picture of Lisa Wooninck, superintnedent of MBNMSLisa Wooninck, PhD.

(831) 647-4201

Lisa Wooninck began her 20 year NOAA career as a research fishery biologist at NOAA Fisheries headquarters and the Santa Cruz lab. She joined Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary as a policy analyst, and then the West Coast Regional team in 2010 as the policy coordinator for the five sanctuaries on the west coast. Lisa has a Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of California Santa Barbara. Her interest in policy and marine resource management stems from her time as a 2000 Knauss Sea Grant Fellow in Congressman Farr’s DC office.

Lisa has experience in policy and planning, and coordinating with conservation and user groups, and state and federal partners to develop integrated ecosystem-based management systems and ecologically and economically sustainable practices. She has also led an ONMS team to highlight to tourism operators and the public the world class recreational activities, such as whale watching and sport fishing, offered by thriving ecosystems of national marine sanctuaries.

Lisa is guided by ‘malama’, a Hawaiian concept that expresses care, respect and stewardship for the environment and humans, and our obligation to care for both. Dovetailing perfectly into 'malama' is her strong belief in team work, which she applies to working with the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary team, their partners and friends.

picture of Dawn HayesDawn L. Hayes

Deputy Superintendent, Program Operations Coordinator
(831) 647-4256

As the Deputy Superintendent and Program Operations Coordinator for Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Dawn Hayes is responsible for operations planning, budgeting, and administering the site’s Management Plan. She and her team support the efforts and infrastructure for ~25 staff at the Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Simeon offices and the Sanctuary's Advisory Council. Dawn graduated from Humboldt State University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Zoology with a marine emphasis and a Secondary Science Teaching Credential in Life and Physical Sciences.

Dawn brings over 30 years of professional experience to the sanctuary and has implemented marine science programs for the Catalina Island Marine Institute, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Arcata High School and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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