Final Envronmental Impact Statement
The Monterey Bay Management Plan (MP) is supported by a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which analyzes the potential impacts from modified and new regulations in the sanctuary, as well as impacts from a range of regulatory alternatives. Proposed changes to regulations are intended to clarify and strengthen protections for marine habitats, sensitive species, water quality, and submerged cultural and historic resources.
To view or download a copy of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, please click on the following links to view the PDF* files:
00 - Cover Abstract, NEPA Letter, Table of Contents | 700KB |
00a - Executive Summary | 804KB |
01 - Purpose and Needs | 624KB |
02 - Proposed Action & Alternatives Description | 1.4MB |
03 - Combined Environmental Impact Analsys | 3.2MB |
04 - Alternatives Summary | 372KB |
05 - NEPA Conclusions | 100KB |
06 - Findings and Determinations | 224KB |
07 - Response to Comments | 496KB |
08 - Report Preparers | 140KB |
09 - References | 256KB |
10 - Glossary | 184KB |
App A - Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS | 1MB |
App B - Summary of Proposed Action Plans | 216KB |
App C - Biology Tables | 3.3MB |
Complete Final EIS | 7.8 MB |