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Historic Shipwreck Profile: Additional Information on Wreck Event

Sierra Nevada

Side-wheel Passenger Steamer

Newspaper clipping from Daily Alta California San Francisco 21OCT1869 of Sierra Nevada shipwreck

Source: Daily Alta California (San Francisco, CA), 21 October 1869, p.1, col.2.
Courtesy of California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside.



Loss of the Steamer Sierra Nevada—The Ship a Total Wreck—Passengers and Crew All Saved.

A long time has elapsed since there has been occasion to record the loss of a steamer upon this coast and yesterday, when it was reported on the street that the steamer Sierra Nevada had been wrecked, there was no little excitement, which was, however, allayed as soon as it was definitely ascertained that no lives had been lost. The first intelligence of the disaster was conveyed in a telegram, of which the following is a copy:

SOUTH SAN JUAN, October 20th, 1869. Holladay & Brenham, Agents: On the 17th, at twenty minutes past ten P.M., in a dense fog, the ship Sierra Nevada struck on a reef three miles south of Pedro Blanco, and in twenty minutes keeled over and filled. All hands saved. Ship a total wreck.

(Signed) J.C. BOGERT, Commanding.

Another despatch says that the officers of the ship displayed great bravery in carrying off the passengers— Mr. Hughes, the purser, swimming several times to the steamer and rescuing the passengers with the aid of a hawser. No full account of the disaster can probably be given until the arrival of some of the officers or passengers from the scene. The Sierra Nevada left here on Saturday last for San Luis Obispo and Monterey, with a cargo of merchandise and a number of passengers. The weather at the time, and for twenty-four hours succeeding her departure, was exceedingly thick and foggy.

To many old Californians, the news of the loss of the Sierra Nevada will be the occasion of bringing up many pleasant reminiscences. The Sierra Nevada was built in New York in 1851 by Chas. Morgan, Esq, and designed for the Texan trade, but before her completion a demand arising for steamers of that class for the California trade, she was purchased by Commodore C. K. Garrison, and made three trips during the same year to Chagres. On the 12th of December, 1852, she sailed from New York for San Francisco under the command of Captain J. D. Wilson, who died at Panama, and the steamer arrived at this port under the command of Captain Tanner. In the spring of 1853 she made her first trip from this port to San Juan in the Transit Line, and was there met by Captain J. H. Blethen, by whom she was commanded for fifty-two successive passages. The first passage on this steamer made by Captain Blethen will long be remembered by him with pride, as upon that occasion he was the recipient of a token of esteem from the passengers, in the shape of a magnificent gold watch, which to this day serves to mark time for him as faithfully as the sun. In 1857, Captain Huntington took command of the Sierra Nevada. In 1860 she was sold to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and subsequently to Ben. Holladay. Since this last transfer she has been running between this and other ports on the coast, both north and south. Although seemingly an old vessel, she was considered one of the most substantial and well-built steamers on the coast.

Newspaper clipping from Daily Evening Bulletin San Francisco 21OCT1869 of Sierra Nevada shipwreck

Source: Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco, CA), 21 October 1869.
Courtesy of Robert Schwemmer Maritime Library


Local Matters

Wreck of the Steamer “Sierra Nevada.”

The Vessel and Cargo a Total Loss—The Passengers and Crew Saved.

News was received here yesterday noon of the total loss of the North Pacific Transportation Company’s steamship Sierra Nevada, on the Southern coast, on Sunday night last. From Mr. Hughes, the Purser of the ill fated vessel, who arrived here last night, we learn the following particulars:


The Sierra Nevada, Captain J. C. Bogart, sailed from San Francisco, bound for San Luis Obispo and way ports, on Saturday morning last, with a full freight and a large number of passengers. She landed passengers and freight at Santa Cruz and Monterey, leaving the latter port at 2 P.M. Sunday, October 17th, with 42 passengers. As night closed in the weather became thick, a dense fog settling down so that it was impossible to see beyond a few ship’s lengths. As she was ahead of time the vessel was going at a slow rate of speed. There was but little wind, the sea was comparatively calm, the vessel was on her usual course, and the passengers had retired, with the comfortable conviction that they would be in San Luis Obispo early the next day. About 10 P.M. Purser Hughes, who had retired, experience a shock as if the vessel had been struck by a heavy wave. This was followed a few moments later by a second and much more severe shock, which nearly threw him off his feet.

Going on deck, he found the waves breaking over the bow of the vessel, the passengers rushed about panic stricken, and a scene of general confusion ensued. At this time the vessel was lifted up by the sea and dashed against the reef which such violence that her bottom was crushed in and her hull filled with water. Such was the violence of the shock that her smoke stack was broken off and fell over the side into the sea. The vessel lay on her beam ends, one of the wheel houses being above the other below water. So complete was the wreck that in thirty minutes from the time of the first shock, the vessel filled and keeled over. I was found that the reef on which she struck was about three miles north of Piedras Blanco, and about fifteen miles from San Simeon.


It became evident from the first that the vessel could not be saved, and preparations were immediately made for rescuing the passengers and crew. The life boats, four or five in number, were lowered, and the work of transferring the passengers commenced. This occupied but a short time, and was accomplished without serious accident to any one. One passenger, in his fright, fell overboard, but was rescued in a damaged condition. A lady passenger fell, in coming on deck, and broke a rib. The conduct of the passengers, with few exceptions, was admirable. The ladies were even more cool, self-possessed and heroic than the men, and stood the fatigue and privation of the night nobly. The crew did their duty manfully, the discipline of the ship being rigidly maintained through the whole of the terrible ordeal of danger and imminent death. Captain Bogart, one of the oldest commanders in the service, proved every inch the hero. He was the last to leave the sinking vessel, and the example of his coolness and self-possession was potential alike upon the passengers and crew.


After the passengers had been all put in the boats, the purser returned to his stateroom, secured the treasure and ship’s papers, when, in company with the Captain, he left the sinking vessel. Owing to the thickness of the fog and the uncertainty of their position, no attempt was made to land. The boats were fastened together, an anchor was cast, and the shipwrecked people anxiously waited for the dawn of the day.


At daylight the fog floated off, when the anchor was weighed, and the boats pulled down to San Simeon Bay, a distance of 16 miles from the scene of the disaster, which was reached at 10 A.M. Here the passengers were landed, when the Captain immediately despatched a boat to return to the wreck, in hopes of rescuing the baggage, and any other article which might be obtained without too great risk. On arriving at the wreck, however, she was found to be almost totally submerged, and we believe, little or nothing was saved.


At the San Simeon landing teams were obtained and the passengers conveyed to Cambria, some 16 miles distant. From here they were taken in wagons to San Luis Obispo, where they struck the stage, some returning north and some pursuing their journey southward.


The crew numbered 36. There were 42 passengers, including six ladies and three children, a list of which we give below:

C.J Arbuckle, E.F. Walker, Rev. A. H. Burton, P. Page, T.C. Hayes, E.F. Taylor, W. Pool, A. Pool, B. Pool, T, Bayer, D. Magnel, W.L. Carroll, R. Kleiner, J. O’Brien, M. Dore, Miss Mary Hollister, Mrs. Dies, Gov. Wood and wife, of Illinois, Mrs. Ransom, two daughters and son, J. Holmes, S.J. Lynch, Delaty, F. F. Gorman and J. Aikins.


Among steerage passengers were a number of Chinese fishermen, bound for San Luis Obispo. When the ship struck they made for their boat, which was on deck, into which they huddled, apparently expecting no sympathy or assistance from their Caucasian fellow passengers, and resolved to stick to the last to their own frail craft. It was with the greatest difficulty that they could be induced to leave it, so that it could be launched. This was done, however, and they were safely got aboard and as safely landed.


We have already referred to the heroic conduct of Captain Bogart, but the record of brace deeds would be imperfect if we failed to speak of the conduct of James Libby, a seaman, who twice risked his life in search of blankets for the use of the ladies.


This vessel was one of the oldest ships afloat. Her history is an eventful one. She has done long and efficient service, and in the opinion of many ought to have been some time ago withdrawn. We understand that she had no insurance.


The steamer Senator, which arrived here to-day at half-past 7 o’clock from Los Angeles, brings with her the remainder of the crew and passengers of the wrecked steamer Sierra Nevada. They had found refuge at San Simeon. One boat’s crew were picked up off that port, and the remainder taken on board at the anchorage.

Newspaper clipping from Daily Alta California San Francisco 22OCT1869 of Sierra Nevada shipwreck

Source: Daily Alta California (San Francisco, CA), 22 October 1869, p.1, col.4.
Courtesy of California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside.




List of Passengers—Incidents of the Wreck—Bravery and Coolness of the Captain—Heroic Conduct of Governer Wood, of Illinois—Etc.

In the ALTA of yesterday was announced the wreck of the steamship Sierra Nevada. We now place before our readers the particulars connected with the disaster. The Sierra Nevada left this port in charge of Captain J.C. Bogert, on Saturday last, October 16th, with 124 tonos of freight and 42 passengers, bound for San Luis Obispo and way ports.


Among the passengers on board was Governor Wood, of Illinois, together with his wife, two sons, and brother brother-in-law. Governor Wood has visited Oregon, Washington territory, and other portions of the Pacific slope, and was on his way to see for himself the special advantages and beauties of nature to be found in the northern portions of our State. There were also on board the following passengers, vis: C. J. Arbuckle, E. F. Walker, Rev. A. H. Burton, P. Page, T. C. Hayes, R. F. Taylor, W. Pool, A. Pool, R. Pool, T. Bayer, D. Magnel, W.L. Carroll, R. Kieiner, J. O'Brien, M. Dore, Miss Mary Hollister, Mrs. Dies, Mrs. Ransom, two daughters and son, J. Holmes, S. J. Lynch, F. Delaty, F. F. Gorman, J. Atkins, and 14 Chinese. The officers and crew numbered 45, making in all 90 souls on board at the time of the wreck.


After leaving this port everything for a time went as "merry as a marriage bell." Santa Cruz was soon reached, where way-passengers and a portion of freight were landed. About 12 o'clock on Sunday Monterey was made, and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the steamer proceeded on her voyage, there being at the time a thick fog and a heavy sea swell. No fear, however, was felt on that score as it was known that Captain Bogert was well experienced in all the dangers of the Coast, and was accustomed to make similar trips in all kinds of weather.

When 75 miles south of Monterey the Captain and chief officer compared reckoning, and agreed as to their opinion of the exact position of the ship. The captain then said he would "turn in." But before doing so he took the precaution to see "how the ship's head was," and found she was being kept her true course, namely, S. E. by E. He then, at 10 P. M. went into his cabin and laid upon his lounge smoking a cigar. As the vessel was ahead of time, and as a very slow rate of speed would be sufficient to bring her to San Luis Obispo by daylight, only the extremely low pressure of eight pounds of steam was kept up, and the speed did not exceed 6 1/2 knots per hour at the outside.


The Captain had been in his cabin just 20 minutes when the chief officer rushed in and reported that he could hear the surf. The fog was so intense at the time that "you could not see your hand before you." The Captain ran on deck, and instantly ordered the man at the wheel to put the helm "hard a port," and cried to the engineer "to stop her." Those commands were only just obeyed when the vessel struck with moderate force against a reef. Orders were then given to "back," the Captain hoping, although he felt almost certain a hole had been made in the ship's bottom, that he might yet be able to beach her, and so save passengers, freight and the ship's hull. Not more than two revolutions had, however, been made when the heavy swell lifted the ship on to a rock with tremendous force, knocking her bottom in, lifting the boiler bodily off its bed and breaking it so that the steam escaped into the sea through the aperture. All on board were thrown off their feet and into a state of momentary consternation perfectly natural under the circumstances. At that instant there was one great, pressing and all-important requirement—fortunately it was to hand in the person of


Who, in a moment, and with great force and clearness of intellect that deserved and has obtained the warmest praise of all on board, comprehended all that was demanded by the exigencies of his position. He saw that the vessel was irretrievably lost, and that it only remained to save the lives of passengers and crew. The great danger to be apprehended was that the ship would go bodily down. The vessel, too, having keeled over considerably, there was much risk to the lights setting fire to her, and so adding that most alarming of calamities of a ship on fire to the other horrors of the hour. To prevent this the Captain's first order was to extinguish all the lights, his next and almost simultaneous command was to lower the quarter boat, in charge of which he placed the chief officer and two seamen, with instructions to anchor at a short distance clear of the reef and of the ship. The boat was so placed for two reasons: first, if the ship went down, the passengers would have a chance to make to the boat; and if she did not, it was intended to place the passengers in the other boats and then fasten to the one that was so anchored, in order to prevent them from separating until daylight should appear. This plan, admirable as it was, was conceived and put in execution in less time than it takes us to describe it. By this time the coolness and self possession of Captain Bogert had made its influence felt by all on board. The first trying moment being past and the Captain's manner having restored confidence, all danger of a panic was at an end, and under the magical influence which a commanding mind at such a moment always exercises, they all—passengers and crew—fell to work, each in an appropriate way, to execute the rapid yet confident orders that were being issued by Captain Bogert.


The large quarter boat having been anchored as previously described, the starboard quarter boat was then lowered. Into this it was proposed to put the eleven ladies, two children and the "old men" who were on board. To successfully and safely accomplish this was a task of much difficulty and of great peril, in consequence of the darkness and the swell that prevailed. Captain Bogert stood himself at the ship's side and assisted the passengers into the boats. When the ladies had been all taken safely over the ship's side, the engineer came with the report that there was five feet of water in the engine-room, and that there was not a moment to lose. Three other boats had yet to be lowered before all the passengers and crew could be accommodated, and much time would necessarily elapse before all could be considered safe. At this moment it seemed that no sufficient time to accomplish all this would be vouchsafed to those still in peril. If at this instant there had been the slightest panic or ill feeling had come uppermost, which was natural enough at such a moment of "every one for himself," all would probably have been lost. Here again Captain Bogert was equal to his duty, in the performance of which he was at this point wonderfully aided by the noble, generous and self-sacrificing spirit of


Captain Bogert, seeing the effect the report of the engineer was likely to have, instantly turned to carry out his original idea of sending the old men with the ladies, and said, in loud, sharp tones, "Now, Governor Wood, it is your turn. Make hastel" To which he received the following answer, which, spoken under the circumstances, shows that the days of true heroism have not yet passed away: "No!" said the brave old ma : "nearly all here are young men, to whom life is of value. I am seventy-four years of age. I will wait." If there had been for a moment the lightest feeling of "every one for himself," that feeling was instantly dissipated by the noble, self-sacrificing sentiment thus expressed. Captain Bogert, whom "one of ours" heard describe the incident, said in a true, blunt, sailor-like fashion, whilst tears were brought to his eyes by recollections of the moment: " When I received the answer, a lump rose in my throat as big as my fist: I couldn't speak for some seconds. As soon as I could, I took hold of the Governor, and said as loud and as harshly as I could, "Sir, I command you to get into that boat!" and in this manner the generous spirit was almost perforce passed into the boat. The ship now keeled over considerably more than she had done previously, and only a portion of the upper side was above water, and every one had to cling to the balwarks to avoid being washed overboard.


Before the first boat left, a passenger of somewhat diminutive proportions came struggling and climbing along to where the Captain was assisting the passengers over the side. His “make-up” was ludicrous enough to excite a smile, even under the trying circumstances of the moment. He had on no less than three life-preservers, blown out to an inordinate size; one was attached to each leg, and one round his waist. Dressed in this position, he addressed the Captain this: “Stow me away in that boat, sir,” and bursting into tears, he continued: “I have a new wife, sir, and I don’t want to be lost.” His request was not granted, and he had to await his turn. It is needless to dwell further upon the scene. The greatest diligence being used, the whole of those on board were got away in exactly one hour. At twenty minutes past ten o’clock the ship struck, and at 20 minutes past 11 all were safely at anchor in the boats. The Captain was the last man but one to leave the ship. The Chief Engineer had stood next to the Captain with a lantern in his hand showing a light. When all the others were in the boat the Captain said: “No is it your turn,” to which he replied: “No, sir. I will hold the light for you.” And so it came that the Chief Engineer was the last man on board.


The next thing to determine was what was to be done under the circumstances in which they found themselves. The fog was still thick, and it was impossible to tell in which direction the shore lay. In this state of matters the Captain wisely determined to lay at anchor all night. Fortunately, a keg containing ten gallons of water had been saved, so that no one suffered from thirst which so often overtakes persons after periods of excitement. At daylight the fog lifted, and it was found that they were only three-quarters of a mile from shore, and three miles from San Simeon, for which place then then steered.

On their way they met a whaling boat, which they hailed, and the Captain made an agreement with the persons in command of it to visit the wreck and endeavor to bring away the passengers’ luggage for the sum of $250. Fortunately their exertions were successful, and nearly all the luggage was saved, only a few trunks being missing. The boats having arrived at San Simeon, all on board were landed, heartily thankful for their escape. A boat was sent out to intercept the steamer Senator on her way to this port. This having been done, she steamed towards San Simeon, and the crew of the Sierra Nevada were put on board. The passengers took stage overland to San Luis Obispo. When the Captain had seen them all off, he went on board the Senator and came on with his officers and crew to this port. He and they have lost everything they had on board. Captain Bogert had even to borrow clothes enough on board the Senator to enable him to appear in the city.

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