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MBNMS Jade Collection Areas

Collecting loose jade in specific designated areas is allowed within the MBNMS.

  • Map Image (650x731; 70K jpg)
  • Map Image Full (4800x1500; 1.2M jpg)
  • Guidelines:
    limited, small-scale collection of small pieces of already loose jade. Each person may remove only what they can individually carry out. The removal of jade pieces larger than an individual can carry requires a permit from the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
    • The use of pneumatic, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or explosive tools to collect jade is prohibited.
    • No tools may be used except hand tools, defined as a hand-held implement no greater than 36 inches in length with no moving parts.
    • Divers may use a lift bag or multiple lift bags with a combined lift capacity not to exceed 200 pounds.


MBNMS Jade Collection Areas

Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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