

Habitats and Associated Fish Assemblages
of Elkhorn Slough

are relatively well-understood inhabitants of
Elkhorn Slough and as both predator and prey, they
play a critical role in the slough ecosystem. The
slough provides habitat for a variety of
ecologically, commercially, and recreationally
important species, including year-round residents
and many marine species from nearshore waters that
enter the slough to feed, mate, and spawn. Several
early studies on the slough's fish populations
provide baseline information essential to long-term
monitoring of its fish assemblages, their response
to potential environmental changes, and their
contribution to the nearshore fishery resources of
Monterey Bay. More recent studies reveal that human
impacts on Elkhorn Slough have fundamentally
changed available fish habitat, resulting in
changes to fish assemblages and an overall decline
in diversity of both fishes and their
The main channel of the
slough extends in-land 7 km from the bay. Depth and
width vary considerably with tidal height, but
narrow and become shallower as one goes inland.
Extensive mudflats fringe the main channel, and a
network of tidal creeks meanders through the
adjacent salt marshes.

are the most diverse (14 species) and
abundant group of fishes in Elkhorn
Slough. (©1996 Monterey Bay
Increased rates of erosion due to changes in water
current velocity in the slough—initially caused
by the construction of the entrance to Moss Landing
Harbor in 1947—have caused significant changes
to the vegetated salt marshes, mudflats, main
channel, and tidal creeks. For example, Long Canyon
has increased 62 percent in width from 1980 to 1987
and con-tinues to erode. Rubis Creek has increased
8 percent in width during this time. The main
channel also has broadened and deepened. Mudflat
habitat that harbors dense assemblages of infaunal
(living in the sediment) and epifaunal (living
above the sediment) invertebrates likely is
Distribution and abundance
of fishes from six sites (Figure 1) surveyed
monthly in the mid-1970s to 1980 and repeated twice
in the 1990s indicate that changes have occurred.
In the 1970s fishes were more abundant in the main
channel than in the tidal creeks. Both abundance
and species diversity were highest near the slough
mouth. The upper reaches of the main channel
featured intermediate levels of diversity and
abundance, and the tidal creeks had comparable
diversity but the lowest mean abundance. Surveys in
the 1990s documented abundances that were >70
percent lower than levels in the 1970s at the deep
channel sites. Conversely, 1990s abundance was two
to four times higher at most sites farther up the
Overall species diversity
appears to have decreased throughout the slough in
the past twenty years. While the deep main channel
stations once had higher numbers of species than
the shallow upper slough stations, diversity is now
similar and relatively low at all sites.
In the 1970s the fish
assemblages differed considerably among stations,
mainly by depth and distance from the ocean. Twenty
years later, however, these geographical
differences have disappeared. Fish assemblages in
the lower main channel are mostly unchang-ed, but
assemblages in the tidal creeks now resemble those
of the lower slough. These changes in fish
assemblages coincide with the continued erosion and
scouring of the slough during the last twenty
years, which has resulted in a geomorphology of the
tidal creeks that is now more similar to the main

1: Fish sampling stations () in
Elkhorn Slough.
Likewise, prey diversity, known from diet studies
of key fish species in the main channel and tidal
creeks, was noticeably lower in the 1990s than in
the 1970s, with reduced use of infaunal worms and
mollusks. For example, the English sole had the
most diverse diet (forty-four prey taxa, including
many infaunal worms) in the 1970s, but ate only
fourteen prey items in the 1990s. Infaunal prey was
largely replaced with epifaunal and mobile
crustacea. Diets of fishes in estuaries therefore
reflect changes in prey availability. Prey
availability in the main channel has changed over
the past twenty years, with an overall decrease in
benthic invertebrates, especially infaunal worms,
and an increased relative abundance of epifaunal
As the main channel and
tidal creeks of the slough continue to broaden and
deepen, the species composition of fish predators
and invertebrate prey apparently is being altered.
From our interpretation of the studies on fishes of
Elkhorn Slough from the 1970s to the present, it is
obvious that changes in habitat significantly
influence the distribution, abundance, and trophic
patterns of the slough's fish
For more information on
the natural resources of Elkhorn Slough, visit this
web site: www.elkhornslough.org.
--Mary M.
NOAA/NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science
--Gregor M.
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
(The authors relied in
part on the MLML M.S. theses of Dion Oxman and Dave

Monitoring Programs Provide Trend Data for
Sanctuary Waters and


are an important part of water quality
monitoring. (©Coastal Watershed
the last year the number of citizen monitoring
groups within Sanctuary boundaries has nearly
doubled. With the creation of the Monterey Bay
Sanctuary Citizen Watershed Monitoring Network,
volunteer groups are coming together to discuss
program design, data management options, and
resources needed to provide better quality control
for data being collected by volunteer groups. Much
of the water quality data collected to date have
shown that many of the streams emptying into the
Sanctuary are achieving water quality objectives
set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board
(RWQCB). There has been documentation of some
contaminants, however. Monitoring done through the
Urban Watch Program has identified the presence of
many urban contaminants discharging from storm
drains into the Sanctuary, and ocean monitoring
conducted by Surfrider Foundation has documented
unsafe fecal coliform levels.
Coliform Monitoring at Ocean Bathing
Surfrider's Blue Water Task Force collects weekly
data at up to twenty-four swimming and surfing
sites along the Santa Cruz County coastline. The
samples are tested for the presence of fecal
coliform bacteria. The safe water contact level is
200 bacteria per 100 ml. In 216 samples taken,
Surfrider recorded thirty samples (13 percent) that
met or exceeded state standards for swimmable
waters and thus reflected unsafe conditions.
Streams Meeting Water Quality Beneficial Uses
The Coastal
Watershed Council monitors salmonid streams in
Santa Cruz, San Mateo, and Monterey Counties. Data
collected by the programs are compared to the water
quality objectives for dissolved oxygen, pH,
turbidity, conductivity, and temperature set by the
RWQCB. Over the last three years, data from the
stream monitoring programs have shown that, of the
seven stream systems regularly monitored, the
majority are meeting the water quality objectives
for cold water fisheries. Incidences when water
quality objectives were not met accounted for less
than 2 percent of 1,071 sampling events. Failing
parameters included temperature, pH, dissolved
oxygen, and turbidity. Natural factors usually
played a role in objectives not being
Watch Program Identifies Detergents as Primary
Urban Contaminant
The Urban Watch
Monitoring Program monitors storm drain outfalls
for common urban runoff pollutants including
detergents, phenols, copper, chlorine, ammonia, oil
sheen, and sewage. Over the program's last two
years, detergent has been the primary
regularly identified in
sampling events. In 1997, during 43 sampling
events, detergents were present in 20 (46 percent)
of the samples. In 1998, during 76 sampling events,
detergents were present in 75 percent of the
samples. The next most common contaminant was
phenols, occurring in 6 percent of samples in 1997
and 11 percent of samples in 1998. Sewage was not
recorded in any samples and oil sheen was present
in 10 percent of samples in 1997 and 11 percent in
1998. Chlorine and ammonia did not occur in 1997
and occurred in 10 percent and 18 percent,
respectively, of samples in 1998.
--Donna Meyers
Coastal Watershed Council
Marsh: An Expedition
Wishing we could continue the tradition
of explorers like Lewis and Clark, this
expedition was conducted on land and over
water to survey Pescadero Marsh for the
presence of invasive European green crabs
(see related articles in the Exotic
Species section). This initial foray
was intended to begin a more comprehensive
study of this important wetland area, as
part of the Sanctuary's ongoing ecosystem
monitoring program.
We embarked for Pescadero Marsh on an
average October day. At 9:00 a.m. we
stopped by the ranger station to let them
know that "hunters," with appropriate
permits, would be on the marsh, then
weaved through five school buses in the
parking lot off Highway 1 to reach our
remote location. The rangers were happy to
see our two-man expedition as, to their
knowledge, no searches for green crabs had
been conducted in the marsh.
Most scientists and resource
managers are familiar with the critical
shorebird and fish habitats of Morro Bay,
Elkhorn Slough, and San Francisco Bay, but
there is relatively little scientific
information on Pescadero Marsh. This
preliminary survey was a first step
towards remedying that situation. Seeing
the most enthusiastic teachers leading
students from the buses, we wondered why
they are wiser than scientists about
visiting this estuary. We put on a good
show by tying sixteen crab traps to our
kayaks, then set the traps up a salinity
gradient in the marsh towards Butano
While letting our traps "soak," we
explored some of the surrounding upland
habitats. Later in the afternoon we
returned, in our kayaks, to the marsh to
compare the Pescadero and Butano Creek
arms of the estuary.
Pescadero Marsh is a highly modified
system with a history of diking for
creation of agricultural land. The
California Department of Parks and
Recreation is buying back historical
marshes and initiating restoration. This
will enhance habitat for the roughly 250
taxa of plants, 250 species of birds,
twenty species of fish, and thirty-three
species of amphibians and reptiles that
have been known to use the marsh.
In our short visit up the more fresh
water system of Pescadero Creek we saw
close to twenty endangered western pond
turtles, Kingfishers, Black Crown Night
Herons, and fifteen other species of bird.
The highlight of our survey to the Butano
Creek side of the marsh was watching a
rather cheeky Peregrine Falcon hunt off
the bow of our kayaks. It first dove on a
Snowy Egret, then switched its chase to
Mallard Ducks before settling on a
Killdeer. Pescadero Marsh is an important
wildlife habitat and a truly beautiful
place, with easy access.
We are happy to report that we did not
catch any green crabs.
--Andrew DeVogelaere and William J.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary