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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary National Marine Sanctuaries Home Page National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Home Page

Research & Monitoring Overview

vermillion rockfishWelcome to the Research Program pages of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. With more than 30 research institutions, the greater Monterey Bay community has emerged as a world leader in marine science. The Sanctuary Research Program assesses change in species and habitats, and participates in regional research to better understand the Sanctuary ecosystem. This information is used to support ecosystem management decisions as well as education programs.


Address resource management needs for information.


Determine scientific information gaps, develop collaborations to study issues, and interpret research for decision makers.


Research Priorities and Science Needs

General Info

Meet our research staff, learn about research platforms used to conduct sanctuary research, communicate with other scientists in the region, and receive announcements and opportunities for marine-related research..
General Info

Natural Resources

Peruse MBNMS publications and web resources that describe the diverse biological communities and habitats of the Sanctuary, including kelp forests, beaches, Monterey Submarine Canyon, and Davidson Seamount.

Natural Resources

Monitoring and SIMoN

Comprehensive, long-term monitoring is a fundamental element of resource management and protection. The Monterey Bay Sanctuary Research Program monitors ecosystem resources through SIMoN, the Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Network.

Monitoring and SIMoN

Research Activity Panel

The MBNMS Research Activity Panel (RAP), composed of 25 representatives from regional research institutions and organizations, is a working group of the MBNMS Advisory Council.

Ricketts Award & Lecture

This annual award honors scientists who have exhibited exemplary work throughout their career and advanced the knowledge of marine science.

Currents Symposium

The Currents Symposium is an event for researchers, educators, students, and the public to learn about current research being conducted in the Sanctuary.

Research Publications

Explore a variety of MBNMS publications and web resources that describe the organisms and habitats of the Sanctuary.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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