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General Information and Program


Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Symposium
-Sanctuary Currents 2001-

March 16 and 17, 2001
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Hyatt Regency, Monterey, CA

Researchers, educators, students and the public are invited to learn about salmon, steelhead, and marine fisheries conservation and management issues in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Share your ideas with leaders in marine science, education and conservation.

Registration takes place at the symposium. No pre-registration is necessary. Credit is available for teachers.


Current Symposium Poster Thumbnail

Event Sponsors

  • Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
  • Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
  • National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region
  • Ricketts Memorial Awards Sponsor: Monterey Bay Aquarium


Planning Committee

Nick Papadakis and Sandy Young: Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
Rich Hughett: Fishermen's Alliance of California
Erica Burton, Andrew Devogelaere, Dawn Hayes, Aaron King, Liz Love and
Maris Sidenstecker: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Steve Webster: Monterey Bay Aquarium
Miles Croom: National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region
Churchill Grimes: National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz Laboratory and Sanctuary Research Activities Panel
Steve Shimek: The Otter Project and Sanctuary Conservation Working Group
Jason Felton: U.C. Sea Grant Extension Program



Program of Events—Friday, March 16—Sanctuary Currents 2001

The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and the National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region, present the current status of salmon and steelhead populations in the Sanctuary, the complex suite of causes underlying the decline, conservation approaches available under the Endangered Species Act, and activities to recover these populations.

8:00 - 8:45 am


9:00 - 10:20 am

Session I
Moderator: Miles Croom, Recovery Coordinator, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region

Introductory Remarks and Salmonid Poster Unveiling
William J. Douros, Superintendent, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

California Fisheries: Why Do They Matter?
Fred Keeley, Assemblymember, 27th District

Salmon Decline: Why Care About Salmon?
James Lecky, Assistant Regional Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Services, Southwest Region

10:20 -10:45 am


10:45 -12:10 pm

Session II
Moderator: Miles Croom, Recovery Coordinator, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region

FishNet 4C: A Proactive County Initiative for Salmonid Protection and Restoration
Kallie Marie Kull, Program Director, FishNet 4C &endash; Fishery Network of the Central California Coastal Counties

Department of Fish and Game Perspective on Salmonid Recovery
Robert Floerke, Regional Manager, California Department of Fish and Game, Central Coast Region

Assessing Viability and Setting Recovery Goals for Salmonids: How Science Can Support Recovery Planning
Dr. Eric Bjorkstedt, Research Fisheries Biologist, NOAA Fisheries, Santa Cruz Laboratory

12:10 - 1:15 pm

Lunch (on your own)

1:15 - 4:00 pm

Session III
To Recover the Salmon: Conservation Options Under the Endangered Species Act

Miles Croom, Recovery Coordinator, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region

Perspectives from Various User Groups and Panel Discussion
Moderator: Jeff Almquist, Supervisor, County of Santa Cruz
Mike Stiller, President, Santa Cruz Commercial Fisherman's Association
Craig Bell, Northern Association of River Guides
Bud McCrary, Owner, Big Creek Lumber
Gary Patton, Executive Director, LandWatch Monterey County
Tim Frahm, Conservation & Water Quality Program Director, San Mateo County Farm Bureau
Karen Christensen,Watershed Program Director, Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District
Allen Smith, Chairman of the Board, Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Program


Program of Events—Saturday, March 17—Sanctuary Currents 2001

The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary invite you to hear from fisheries experts—scientists, managers, conservationists and fishing representatives as they discuss marine fisheries conservation and management issues in the Sanctuary.

8:00 - 8:45 am


9:00 - 9:05 am

Stephanie Harlan, Boardmember, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments; Councilmember, City of Capitola; Chair, Sanctuary Advisory Council
William J. Douros, Superintendent, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

9:05 - 10:30 am

Session I
Moderator: Churchill Grimes, Director, National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz Laboratory and Sanctuary Research Activities Panel

Fisheries Conservation in Monterey Bay: What Have We Learned from the Salmon?
Miles Croom, Recovery Coordinator, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region

Coastal Pelagic Species: Where Are They All Coming From?
Dr. Kevin Hill, Senior Marine Biologist, California Department of Fish and Game

Overfished Groundfish and the Sustainable Fisheries Act
Dr. Steve Ralston, Research Fisheries Biologist, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz Laboratory

Toward a New Ocean Wilderness: Bring Back the Fish
Richard Charter, Marine Conservation Advocate, Environmental Defense

10:30 - 10:45 am


10:45 - 12:15 pm

Session II
Moderator: Robson Collins, Nearshore Ecosystem Coordinator, Marine Region, California Department of Fish and Game

Federal Fishery Management: The Challenge of Litigation
Dr. Rebecca Lent, Regional Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region

Changes in Management Strategies for California's Fisheries
Patricia Wolf, Regional Manager, Marine Region, California Department of Fish and Game

A Vision for Sustainable Fisheries Along the California Coast: Protecting Habitats for Fish and Humans
Pietro Parravano, President, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Association

The Cultural Value of Recreational Fishing in California: Conservation Ethics Giving Back More Than We Take
Bob Strickland, President, United Anglers of California

12:15 - 2:30 pm

Lunch (on your own), Posters and Exhibits

2:30 - 3:15 pm

Ricketts Memorial Lecture
A Local Story: Harmful Algae in Monterey Bay?
Dr. Mary Silver, Professor of Ocean Sciences, Ocean Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz

3:30 - 4:30 pm

Sanctuary Awards and Reception



  • From Highway 1 north: Exit at Del Monte/Pacific Grove, turn left on Sloat (third stoplight) and go until it ends at a stoplight (entrance to the Hyatt).
  • From Highway 1 south: Exit on Aguajito, turn right at the second stoplight (entrance to the Hyatt).
  • From Highway 68 Salinas: Turn right on Olmstead Road (to the Monterey Airport), then left on Garden Road and left on Mark Thomas Dr. Turn left at the next stoplight (entrance to the Hyatt).

Parking: After entering the Hyatt, turn right at the fork, and park near the main lobby. The conference will be held in the Monterey Grand Ballroom.

For more information, call Liz Love at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary at (831) 647-4255, or email

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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