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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Awards


In 1993, in celebration of the first anniversary of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, a series of awards were presented to people and organizations who contributed significantly to the development of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary through education, conservation, research, business, political, and public involvement. In subsequent years, awards have been presented to people and organizations that have greatly contributed to the implementation of programs geared towards meeting the goals of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

2002/2003 Awards


Public Official: Lieutenant Tim Olivas
Citizen: Ed Cooper
Conservation: Kaitlin Gaffney
Education: Dr. John Pearse
Science/Research: Dr. James Harvey
Business: Seaside Company of Santa Cruz
Organization: Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Special Recognition: Coalition of Central Coast County Farm Bureaus


Public Official: Lieutenant Tim Olivas

Lieutenant Tim Olivas, Department of Fish and Game, has actively supported and promoted interagency enforcement of Sanctuary regulations since 1998. As Patrol Lieutenant of the Monterey Marine Squad, he consistently and enthusiastically offered the full resources at his disposal to assist the Sanctuary with investigations, patrols, communications, and interpretive enforcement. Captain Olivas has been pro-active in the deputization of all the members of his squad as Sanctuary Patrol Officers and has encouraged the wardens in his squad to assist the Sanctuary whenever and wherever possible. Tim has also been a responsible manager of vessels and assets assigned for Sanctuary enforcement, and has ensured that they remain operational and available for ready response. His professionalism and integrity have earned the respect and trust of the NOAA law enforcement community, providing an important foundation for continuing teamwork between the federal and state enforcement communities.

Citizen: Ed Cooper (posthumously)

Ed Cooper's friends and family say he was first and foremost a diver. He was known as the driving force behind the Northern California Scuba Retailers Association, which participated in several shows held at the Monterey Conference Center. He volunteered as the Diver Representative to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council from the day the Sanctuary came into existence. When illness forced him to reduce his workload, he became the alternate, a position he held until just a few months before his passing. Ed was one of the originators of "no-take area" idea in the waters that front Cannery Row. The Ed Ricketts Park proposal became a "Marine Reserve" proposal and Ed became a central figure in The Friends of the Edward F. Ricketts Marine Reserve. Ed Cooper's children, Tiffany and Justin, along with friend Mike Guardino, will accept the award.

Conservation: Kaitilin Gaffney

Kaitilin Gaffney is the California Central Coast Program Manager of the Ocean Conservancy. Kaitilin is responsible for the Ocean Conservancy's activities relating to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and California Central Coast, and works on a wide variety of ecosystem protection, water quality, fish and marine wildlife issues. Ms. Gaffney currently serves as the Conservation Alternate on the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council, co-chairs the Conservation Working Group and represents conservation interests on the California Department of Fish and Game's Marine Life Protection Act Advisory Panel for the Monterey Bay Region. Kaitilin has been instrumental in identifying and evaluating several critical issues facing the Sanctuary, including the visits of cruise ships and the development of marine protected areas in the region.

Education: Dr. John Pearse

John Pearse, is a former Professor of Biology and current Emeritus/Research Professor of Biology at the John M. Long Marine Laboratory, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz. Dr. Pearse is also a writer and continues a variety of research and science-related activities. He is currently revising, with his wife Vicki, their textbook, Living Invertebrates, which was published in 1987. He continues his exploration of the intertidal habitats of the Central Coast, and is developing protocols that can be used to monitor changes in the future. He is involved in outreach to high schools and other interested groups, and collaborates these activities with the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. His research focuses on the reproductive ecology of invertebrates. Dr. Pearse is currently the President of the California Academy of Sciences, and co-sponsors several graduate students.

Science/Research: Dr. James Harvey

Dr. James Harvey has been Professor ofthe Bird and Mammal Laboratory at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories since 1989. He has been active in research pertaining to marine mammal/fisheries interactions; development of remote attachment and release mechanisms for data recorders on cetaceans and pinnipeds; feeding ecology of California sea lions and Pacific harbor seals; and assessing natural and anthropogenic changes in populations of birds, mammals, and turtles in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Dr. Harvey's development and continued involvement in Beach COMBERS has made this program (long-term monitoring of beachcast birds and mammals) a wonderful success. Jim also serves on a federally mandated Task Force devoted to sea lion/steelhead fisheries interaction, the Advisory Committee for the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, the Research Review Committee for the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the Sanctuary,s Research Activity Panel.

Business: Santa Cruz Seaside Company

Santa Cruz Seaside Company is dedicated to preserving the environment that has made its major holding, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, a state treasure for 96 years. The Boardwalk is a California State Historic Landmark, and contains two National Historic Landmarks: a 1911 Looff carousel and the 1924 Giant Dipper roller coaster. The company has been repeatedly recognized for its support of ecotourism and its environmental efforts and policies. In 2002 the company also began a new marine biology on-site class for elementary and junior high school students. A marine expert leads the class, teaching youngsters about the importance of protecting the marine environment, including the need for waste management. The company also has an extensive company-wide recycling program and a water reclamation program.

Organization: The Elkhorn Slough Foundation

The Elkhorn Slough Foundation has been devoted to the conservation and restoration of Elkhorn Slough and its watershed for twenty years. The Foundation developed research, education, interpretive and conservation programs on the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve. Since 1997, the Foundation has developed capacities as a land trust and now over 2500 acres of key habitats, wetlands, oak woodlands, coastal dunes, rare maritime chaparral and productive agricultural lands, are protected by the Foundation's efforts and management. The Foundation has developed a collaborative and cooperative approach to conservation and works with a number of partners in these endeavors. Foundation staff and board members worked for the establishment of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and have collaborated with the Sanctuary in understanding and protecting the slough.

Special Recognition: Coalition of Central Coast County Farm Bureaus


Past MBNMS Award Winners

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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