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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Awards


In 1993, in celebration of the first anniversary of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, a series of awards were presented to people and organizations who contributed significantly to the development of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary through education, conservation, research, business, political, and public involvement. In subsequent years, awards have been presented to people and organizations that have greatly contributed to the implementation of programs geared towards meeting the goals of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

2003/2004 Awards



Ruth Vreeland Public Official: Ruth Vreeland (posthumously)
Citizen: Phil and Carol Adams
Conservation: MBNMS Management Plan Review Process
Education: Pat Clark-Gray
Science/Research: Dr. Pete Raimondi
Business: Cannery Row Company
Organization: Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation
Special Recognition: Dr. Steve Webster


Ruth Vreeland Public Official: Ruth Vreeland

Ruth Vreeland, Monterey (posthumously) - A devoted and beloved school teacher and 47-year resident of the Monterey Peninsula who served on the Monterey City Council from 1983 until her death. A dedicated public servant, she was on the Board of AMBAG since she was elected to office and served as its President in 1991. Tireless in her community involvement, she was an active member of dozens of community and professional organizations. She was AMBAG's alternate representative to the Sanctuary Advisory Council.

Citizen: Phil and Carole Adams, Cambria

Avid supporters of the MBNMS since its inception. They have done an excellent job using their many outreach and education venues to share information about MBNMS, as well as invested a significant portion of their time as volunteers for the Sanctuary volunteer partner programs. In 1998 they became BayNet volunteers/docents for Friends of the Elephant Seal and wrote a training manual Elephant Seals that is in its third printing. Proceeds from the book sale have been donated to the Friends of the Elephant Seal. They have volunteered as docents for California State Parks system, BeachCOMBERS for MBNMS, Team OCEAN, and developed Threatened and Thriving, a southern region program to educate the public about gray whales, elephant seals and snowy plovers.

Conservation: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Review Process

Over the past two years, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, under the leadership of Sean Morton, has been engaged in an unprecedented participatory public process designed to update the Sanctuary's ten-year-old management plan and develop management strategies and priorities for the future. The process included a total of 20 scoping meetings, 119 management plan review-related public meetings, which lead to the development of 26 detailed action plans on specific management issues containing 161 recommended strategies and 567 recommended activities. The Conservation Award for 2004 recognizes all of the participants in the outstanding public process of the management plan review.

Education: Pat Clark-Gray, State Parks and Recreation Dept.

Involved with the Sanctuary Advisory Panel (SEP) since it's inception. She has played an integral part in shaping sanctuary education in that 10-year period. She served as the SEP chair for the past four years, and as such has held the Education Seat on the SAC. The past two years, the SAC has required a tremendous amount of work on the management plan review. She has spent countless hours reviewing and commenting on the proposed MBNMS action plans, Visitor Center reports, and all aspects of the management plan review pertaining to education. Most recently, she was invited to meet with the Cordell Bank staff and representatives to discuss the development of our SEP and its evolution.

Science/Research: Dr. Pete Raimondi, UCSC

Dr. Pete Raimondi is a Professor and Chair of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department. The goal of his research is to broadly understand the factors that are important in the development and maintenance of biological communities. Dr. Raimondi's PISCO research used field experiments on rocky shores and in kelp forests to test hypotheses developed from long-term observations or ecological theory. This work varies from studies on kelp dispersal to causes of change in abalone populations, and is published in premier journals. He has designed and evaluated a wide variety of monitoring programs for public agencies such as the California Coastal Commission, National Parks Service, and Regional Water Quality Control Board. In support of the MBNMS, he was instrumental in developing the SIMoN program, participated in working groups in the Management Plan Review Process, regularly provides data from the PISCO program when there is a resource management need, and guides his students to address applied marine ecology problems.

Business: Cannery Row Company, Monterey

Ted Balestreri is the general managing partner of the Cannery Row Company, through which he and his partners have successfully worked for over 25 years to revitalize Cannery Row. Mr. Balestreri has served on school and college boards and charitable organizations, and has been a major contributor to scholarship funds through local and national educational foundations. Cannery Row Company and its associated businesses have contributed substantially to the MBNMS and have dedicated their time to many programs in the region. They have integrated environmental and ocean protection into its properties and business practices, and has provided an example of leadership for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary region.

Organization: Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation

A public benefit 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to advance the understanding and protection of the MBNMS and other coastal and ocean resources of California. Since 1995, the MBSF has worked as a collaborative partner with MBNMS, other state and federal agencies and non-governmental organizations in soliciting and administering grants, donations and other revenues to support an array of critical resource protection, education and research initiatives. Today the MBSF manages over $1M in annual program expenses from approximately 75 different projects.

Special Recognition: Dr. Steve Webster, Monterey Bay Aquarium

Leader and dedicated founding father of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. A long-time member of the Sanctuary Advisory Council, serving as Vice-Chair from 1994-97, and Chair from 1998-00. Prior to the Sanctuary's designation, he convened and formed the original Education Working Group for the Sanctuary. He was instrumental in pulling together key educators and charting the course of the Education Program. Knowledgeable and willing contributor to the Research Program in the areas of underwater parks development, marine reserves, Pt. Pinos use issues, acoustics, harbor dredging, historic events related to the SIMoN web site, general history and natural history. He has served on the Conservation Working Group for many years, contributing tremendously with his vast experience on the issues, the history of the MBNMS, and pragmatic advice on a wide variety of conservation issues.

Past MBNMS Award Winners

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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