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Sanctuary Currents Symposium:
A Collaboration Between California State University Monterey Bay and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

The Currents Symposium is an event for researchers, educators, students, and the public to learn about current research being conducted in the Sanctuary. This research symposium helps us to better understand Sanctuary habitats and resources, as well as, keeping those involved connected and informed. Scientific experts discuss the latest findings at this annual event.

Sanctuary Reflections Awards

Awards are presented annually at the symposium to people and organizations who have contributed significantly to the mission of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary through education, conservation, research, scientific, political, and public involvement.

Ed Ricketts Memorial Award and Lecture

This annual award honors scientists who have exhibited exemplary work throughout their career and advanced the knowledge of marine science.

Research Poster Awards

Awards are presented each year for outstanding research posters.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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