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Research Technical Report

Technology Use in NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary System

Basta, D.J., L. LaFeir, S. Gittings, K. Broughton, T. Casserly, P. Chetirkin, J. Delgado, A. De Vogelaere, R. Green, E. Hickerson, J. Hoyt, M. Lawrence, T. Lillestolen, M. Pickett, T. Reyer, S. Rohmann, G. Schmahl, K. Thompson, D. Wiley, and D. Wilkes (Mar/Apr 2015)

Marine Technology Society Journal 49:178-192


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries employs constantly evolving marine technologies to meet its requirements for observing and tracking changing ocean conditions and resource qualities. Vessels, submersibles, and a host of unmanned platforms, including satellites, buoys, remotely operated vehicles, and in-water instrument arrays, are providing information that helps us better understand and manage activities that affect the ocean, Great Lakes, and adjacent coasts. Platforms and sensors track animals and ship traffic, send alerts to at-sea operators, map the seabed and its natural and archaeological resources, track spills, sample water, and define ocean soundscapes. Technologies are also employed to support complex diving operations, record marine life, document shipwrecks, log data, produce map products, and broadcast live feeds to the world. The sanctuaries frequently work with commercial, federal, academic, and non-profit partners to focus a broad range of observing assets on the many issues of concern to marine conservation and protection.






Reviewed: July 18, 2024
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