Research Technical Report
Natural Wonders of Davidson Seamount
MBNMS (January 2007)
DVD Version 1.0.
The Davidson Seamount is an impressive geologic feature located 120 km (75 miles) southwest of Monterey, California. This inactive volcano is 2,280 m (7,480 ft) tall and 42 km (26 miles) long, yet its summit is far below the ocean surface (1,250 m or 4,101 ft). Using new technologies to study deep-ocean habitats, scientists have recently embarked on a series of expeditions to characterize the biology and geology of the Davidson Seamount, and to investigate processes that generate coral distribution patterns. To share the unique ecosystem at Davidson Seamount with the public, we've created this DVD which contains videos, images, maps, and website information.
Partners: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, British Broadcasting Corporation, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, NOAA Fisheries, Alliance for Coastal Technologies, Office of Ocean Exploration
DVD Developed by: Paul Chetirkin, Erica Burton, and Andrew DeVogelaere (MBNMS)