Research Technical Report
Natural Wonders of Davidson Seamount
MBNMS (September 2009)
DVD Version 2.0.
The Davidson Seamount is an impressive undersea mountain off the coast of Central California. Eighty miles to the southwest of Monterey, it is one of the largest known seamounts in U.S. waters. It is 26 miles long and 8 miles wide. From base to crest, the seamount is 7,480 feet tall, yet its summit is still 4,101 feet below the sea surface.
Using new technologies to study deep-ocean habitats, scientists have recently embarked on a series of expeditions to characterize the biology and geology of the Davidson Seamount, and to investigate processes that generate coral distribution patterns. A wide variety of species of spectacular size and color have been found, including species new to science.
As a result of a management plan revision, a process involving public input and agency collaboration, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) expanded to include the Davidson Seamount in 2008. The boundary change adds a 775-square-mile area to the MBNMS.
To share the unique ecosystem at Davidson Seamount with the public, we have created this DVD which contains videos, images, maps, historical information on George Davidson, and a taxonomic guide. See now what humans saw for the first time just a few years ago!
Credits: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, British Broadcasting Corporation, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, NOAA Fisheries, Office of Ocean Exploration, and Save the Earth
DVD Developed by: Paul Chetirkin, Erica Burton, Andrew DeVogelaere, and Steve Choy (MBNMS)