Research Technical Report
Hydrographic data along the California Coast from Pigeon Point to Cape San Martin May through July 1996
Rago, T.A.., C.A. Collins, and J. Steger (January 1997)
Naval Postgraduate School Technical Report NPS-OC-97-002, 154pp.
This data report presents hydrographic (CTD) and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected during a pair of cruises, one during May and June, the other during July of 1996. The study area encompasses a region from Pigeon Point south to Cape San Martin (35 53'N), extending from the coast to approximately 90 lan offshore. A total of 163 CTD casts (61 during the first cruise) were completed. The CTD data are presented primarily in tabular form for selected pressures. ADCP data are shown as a set of horizontal contour plots. Some T/S plots are also presented.