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About This Document


Water Quality Issues

Management Practices for Agricultural Nonpoint Sources

Section 1: Agricultural Industry Networks

Section 2: Technical Information/Outreach

Section 3: Education and Public Relations

Section 4: Regulatory Coordination/Streamlining

Section 5: Funding Mechanisms/Incentives

Section 6: Public Lands and Rural Roads


Appendix A. Water Quality Protection Program Committee Members

Appendix B. TMDL Schedule for Impaired Waters in Sanctuary Watersheds.

Appendix C. Existing Laws and Programs Related to Agricultural Nonpoint Sources

Appendix D. Definitions of Acronyms

ABA Consultants. 1989. Elkhorn Slough Wetlands Management Plan. Monterey County Planning and Building Inspection Department and California Coastal Conservancy.

Anderson, D. 1999. Harmful Algal Bloom Webpage, at: (May 1999). National Office for Marine Biotoxins and Harmful Algal Blooms.

Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG). 1984. Pajaro River Habitat Management Study.

Balance Hydrologic, Inc. 1998. An Assessment of Streambed Conditions and Erosion Control Efforts in the San Lorenzo River Watershed, Santa Cruz County, CA. Berkeley, CA.

Caffrey, J., S. Shaw, M. Silberstein, A. DeVogelaere and M. White. 1997. Water Quality Monitoring in Elkhorn Slough: A Summary of Results 1988-1996. Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve Technical Report.

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Jurik, T.W., S. Wang, and A.G. van der Valk. 1994. Effects of sediment load on seedling emergence from wetland seed banks. Wetlands 14: 159-165.

Kleinfelder, Inc. 1992. Lower Salinas River Near Coastal Waters Initiative Project. Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments.

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Ladd, J., S. Hayes, M. Martin, M. Stephenson, S. Coale, J. Linfield, and M. Brown. 1984. California State Mussel Watch: 1981-1983 Biennial report. State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA.

Mathias, M.E. and P. Moyle. 1992. Wetland and Aquatic Habitats. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 42:165-176.

Monterey County Water Resources Agency. 1990. Report of the Ad Hoc Salinas Valley Nitrate Advisory Committee.

Nakata, H., K. Kannan, D. Jing, N. Thomas, S. Tanabe, and J.P. Giesy. 1998. Accumulation pattern of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) found stranded along coastal California, USA. Environmental Pollution 103: 45-53.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 1995. Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Program Working Document: Comparison of the California Water Quality Assessment and the January 1994 workshop results. Silver Spring, MD: Strategic Environmental Assessments Division.

Nelson, R.W., J.R. Dwyer and W.E. Greenberg. 1987. Regulated flushing in a gravel-bed river for channel habitat maintenance: A Trinity River fisheries case study. Environmental Management 11: 479-493.

Oakden, J. and J. Oliver, 1988. Pesticide persistence in field and drainages of Central Monterey Bay area. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories for Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Parkins, J. 1998. Reproductive and feeding ecology of Caspian terns in the Elkhorn Slough, CA. Master's Thesis, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, San Jose State University.

Questa Engineering Corporation. 1995. Water Resources Management Plan for Watsonville Sloughs, Santa Cruz County. Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments.

Regional Water Quality Control Board. 1998. Pajaro Watershed Study.

San Jose State University. 1994. Establishment of nutrient objectives, sources and impacts, and BMPs for Pajaro River and Llagas Creek.

San Mateo County RCD. 1997. Butano Creek: sedimentation and flooding. Prepared by Kristen Schroeder for Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council and Pescadero Creek Coordinated Resource Management and Planning.

Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Service. 1997. Watsonville Sloughs Trace Metals/Organics Investigation. Water Quality Laboratory Report.

State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). 1990. Toxic Substances Monitoring Program: Ten Year Summary Report 1978-1987. Water Quality Report 90-1-WQ.

SWRCB. 1991. Toxic Substances Monitoring Program: 1988-1989. Water Quality Report 91-1-WQ.

SWRCB. 1993a. Water Quality Assessment, Sacramento, CA.

SWRCB. 1993b. California Beach Closures. Sacramento, CA.

SWRCB. 1995a. California State Mussel Watch, Water Quality Monitoring Report, Summary 1987-1993 Data. Sacramento, CA.

SWRCB. 1995b. Region 3: Bay Protection Toxic Cleanup Program Summary, Station Information, Chemistry Data, Toxicity Data.

SWRCB. 1995c. California Rangeland Water Quality Management Plan.

Stephenson, M.D., M. Martin, and R.S. Tjeerdema. 1995. Long-term trends in DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls, and chlordane in California mussels. Arch. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 28: 443-450.

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Reviewed: July 18, 2024
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