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Sperm Whale Range Distribution

Chart 6 -- Sperm Whale Range Distribution.

Chart 6 -- Sperm Whale Range Distribution.

The Sperm whale is the deepest diving whale and can swim to depths of 1000 m, and stay submerged for over an hour. At depth there is very little light available and hence these whales have developed a superior echolocation ability, which they use to find their prey. As such, these animals are highly dependent upon sound. It is unlikely that an observer on a ship would be able to accurately interpret this animal's reaction to LFA, or to even see a Sperm whale feeding in the Sanctuary. Sperm whales within the MBNMS range throughout the Sanctuary boundaries on a year round basis. The adult area within Sanctuary boundaries is illustrated by blue dots. The major adult area that should be noted, though it is outside of Sanctuary boundaries, is the area around Davidson Seamount as depicted by the orange lines.

Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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