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FINAL Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting Agenda
June 19th, 2015

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6/19/15 Agenda

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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Advisory Council Meeting

Carmel Mission Inn
3665 Rio Rd
Carmel, CA

8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday, June 19th, 2015

(directions below)


8:45 AM Coffee and Sign-in
9:00 AM Call to Order & Roll Call
  • Welcome statement from Carmel-by-the-Sea Mayor, Jason Burnett
  • Swear-in new Advisory Council Members
  • Approval of April 17, 2015 meeting minutes
Paul Michel (MBNMS), PJ Webb (Chair), Gary Pezzi (Vice Chair), Jason Burnett (Mayor)
  Standard Reports from Staff

MBNMS Permit Report (225K PDF*) PDF
MBNMS Office Report (955K PDF*) PDF
Conservation Working Group Meeting Notes (K PDF*)  
Research Activity Panel Meeting Notes (K PDF*)  
Sanctuary Education Panel Meeting Notes (K PDF*)  
9:30 AM Standing Item: Superintendent Report
A report on important or newsworthy activities conducted by staff over the last three months.
  • Updates for the MBNMS
  • Updates for the GFNMS
Paul Michel (MBNMS), Max Delaney (GFNMS)
10:00 AM Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda PJ Webb (Chair)
10:30 AM Information Item: Davidson Seamount Research Mission
A presentation on the preliminary findings from the 8-day research cruise aboard the NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada
Erica Burton (MBNMS)
11:00 AM BREAK (10 minutes)  
11:10 AM Information Item: Condition Report and Management Plan Review
Information on the effort to update the Condition Report and an update on Management Plan Review process schedule
Paul Michel (MBNMS), Dawn Hayes (MBNMS)

12:10 PM


1:10 PM Information Item: Harmful Algal Blooms
What are HABs and why are they important?
Corinne Gibble (UCSC)
2:00 PM Information Item: The Sanctuary’s Spill Response Plan
Presentation on the structure of the Sanctuary’s procedures of action in the event of an oil or sewage spill
Scott Kathey (MBNMS)
2:40 PM BREAK (10 minutes)  
2:50 PM Standing Item: Working Group Updates
  • Conservation Working Group (CWG)
    CWG Meeting Notes (K PDF*)
  • Sanctuary Education Panel (SEP)
    SEP Meeting Notes (K PDF*)
  • Research Activities Panel (RAP)
    RAP Meeting Notes (K PDF*)
  • Recreation and Tourism Subcommittee
Working Group Chairs
3:45 PM Standing Item: Advisory Council Member Announcements/Reports PJ Webb (Chair)
4:30 PM Adjourn  



  • Public comment on agenda items will be heard prior to SAC discussion/deliberation
  • A motion for action may be made by a council member at any time, provided there is a quorum
  • Materials corresponding to items on this or other agendas are available here or contact Erin Ovalle at (831) 647-4206.


From the North:
Take CA-1 south to Rio Road. Turn left onto Rio Road, staying on the inside lane. Make a left U-turn Carmel Center Place. The driveway entrance will be on the right, just before the Chevron station. After entering the driveway, parking is available to your left.

From the South:
Take CA-1 north to Rio Road. Turn left onto Rio Road, staying on the inside lane. Make a left U-turn Carmel Center Place. The driveway entrance will be on the right, just before the Chevron station. After entering the driveway, parking is available to your left.

HWY 101 North Option:
Take US-101 north to Abbott Street in Monterey County. Stay in the left lane, as you'll exit from there. Continue on Abbott Street toward Spreckels, turning left onto Harris Road. Turn left onto CA-68 toward Monterey. Merge onto CA-1 south to Rio Road. Turn left onto Rio Road, staying on the inside lane. Make a left U-turn Carmel Center Place. The driveway entrance will be on the right, just before the Chevron station. After entering the driveway, parking is available to your left.

HWY 101 South Option:
Take US-101 south to exit 336/CA-156 west in Prunedale. Merge onto CA-156 west to CA-1 south. Take CA-1 south to Rio Road. Turn left onto Rio Road, staying on the inside lane. Make a left U-turn Carmel Center Place. The driveway entrance will be on the right, just before the Chevron station. After entering the driveway, parking is available to your left.

View Carmel Mission Inn on a larger map


MBNMS Permit Report (225K PDF*) PDF
MBNMS Office Report (955K PDF*) PDF
Conservation Working Group Meeting Notes (K PDF*)  
Research Activity Panel Meeting Notes (K PDF*)  
Sanctuary Education Panel Meeting Notes (K PDF*)  



About Sanctuary Advisory Council
The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (advisory council) was established by Federal law to assure continued public participation in the management of the Sanctuary. Since its establishment in March 1994, the advisory council has played a vital role in the decisions affecting the Sanctuary along the central California Coast. The advisory council's nineteen voting members represent a variety of local user groups, as well as the general public, plus seven local, state and federal governmental jurisdictions. In addition, the respective managers for the four California National Marine Sanctuaries (Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary) and the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve sit as non-voting members. Members are appointed competitively by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and serve three-year terms. The advisory council meets bi-monthly in open sessions located throughout the 360-mile boundary of the Sanctuary.

The advisory council maintains a firm commitment to the goals and objectives of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Program. The advisory council appreciates the efforts of volunteers, non-profit organizations, businesses, and citizens, without whose support the mission of the Sanctuary would be difficult to realize.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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