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Welcome to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Bibliographic Database. This database contains more than 10,000 references from researchers, managers, and institutions within the Sanctuary boundaries. Building on an edited version of the Central California Coast Library from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, each converted bibliographic database was merged into a single master file (Phase I).

Due to the expanded bibliography and improved web technologies, the bibliographic database currently resides on the Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Network (SIMoN) web page, with links remaining on pages of the site characterization (Phase II).  

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More than 40 different sources have been included in the database.


References in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Bibliographic database include: 1) studies and work conducted within the MBNMS boundaries; 2) studies conducted outside the Sanctuary which are relevant because they cover species, habitats or processes occurring within the Sanctuary; and 3) references which are relevant because they cover highly topical subjects relevant to the MBNMS.

The references included in this databases were selected from more than 21,000 references originally obtained. Any reference identified as not relevant (see criteria above), incomplete, or a duplicate was discarded. In addition, acceptable references were checked for proper format, punctuation and spelling, and whenever possible, a reference was designated as a journal article, book, conference proceeding, or report. However, given the enormity of these tasks for the volume of references processed, errors undoubtedly remain in the database which will hopefully be corrected as staff time permits.

Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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