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Proposed Outline of MBNMS Site Characterization
from Federal Register (U.S. Dept. of Commerce 1994) Request for Proposal for Site Characterization of the MBNMS

I. Executive Summary of the Site Characterization

II. Introduction to the MB National Marine Sanctuary

A. Objective of the Site Characterization

B. The National Program and Establishment of MBNMS

C. Significance of Resources

III. Environmental and Historical/Cultural Conditions That Shape MBNMS

A. Geologic History & Mineral Resources

B. Present Geology

1. Structure and tectonics

2. Geohazards

3. Nearshore sedimentary and canyon processes

C. Climate

D. Meteorology and Physical Oceanography

1. Currents and other physical forces

2. Water characteristics (i.e. temperature, salinity, chemistry, etc.)

3. Seasonal and other temporal patterns

E Archaeological, Crltural and Historical Resources

F. Socioeconomic Uses

1. Fishing

2. Vessel traffic

3. Ecotourism

4. Recreation

IV. Biological Communities

A. Kelp Forest and Rocky Subtidal Habitats

B. Rocky Intertidal Habitat

C. Soft Benthic Habitats

1. Sandy beaches

2. Shallow demersal habitats

3. Deeper demersal (shelf) habitats

D.Canyon and Steep Slope Habitats

E. Pelagic Habitats

1. Near-surface zone

2. Mid-water zone

3. Abyssal zone

F. Estuarine Habitats

V. Ecosystem Function

A. Nutrient Interactions

B. Energy Flow

C. Temporal and Spatial Variability

VI. Appendices

A. Maps

B. Common Species Lists For Biological Communities

C. Lists of Threatened and Endangered Species (State and Federal Listing)

D. Bibliography (including both cited and uncited literature)

Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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