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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary National Marine Sanctuaries Home Page National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Home Page

Sanctuary Maps

A variety of maps showcasing sanctuary bathymetry, regulatory zones, watersheds and scientific information. Many are downloadable and some are interactive.

MBNMS Boundary Maps

MBNMS Boundry Maps

MBNMS Informational Maps

MBNMS Special Regulatory Zones

Other Sanctuary Maps

MBNMS Foundation Map

MBNMS Foundation Map

A map of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, featuring bathymetric and topographical information. The spectacular image is ideal for education purposes, map lovers and anyone that appreciates beautiful art.

The graphic below is provided for your personal and educational use.

  • Map Image (650 x 929; 179K jpeg)
  • To purchase, call the Sanctuary Exploration Center Bookstore at (831) 425-4185

MBNMS Color Map

MBNMS Map - Color

MBNMS color map including bathymetry and hillshade.

MBNMS Map - Black & White

MBNMS Map - Black & White

MBNMS black and white map of the Sanctuary and county boundaries.

MBNMS Informational Maps


Critical Coastal Areas Map

The Critical Coastal Areas (CCA) Program fosters collaboration among local stakeholders and government agencies, to better coordinate resources and focus efforts on coastal watersheds in critical need of protection from polluted runoff. Please visit the following web page for more information.

Bird Colony Map

NOAA's Northern and Central California Biogeographic Assessment

Access over one hundred maps showing densities and common locations of many animals, from seabirds to blue whales

*this does not include Davidson Seamount Management Zone (DSMZ) since the assessment was done prior to DSMZ incorporation*

Elkorn Slough Map - small

Elkhorn Slough Map

The main channels of the Elkhorn Slough fall under the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary jurisdiction. The surrounding marsh areas are under the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve jurisdiction.

ASBS areas

MPA and ASBS Sites in the MBNMS

Areas of Special Biological Significance are a subset of state water quality protection areas that protect resources from an undesirable alteration in natural water quality. Please visit the following web page for more information.


Watersheds in the MBNMS Region

The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary receives runoff from watersheds that cover an extensive area. Please visit the following web page for more information.

Image of a SIMoN map

SIMoN Interactive Map

Three differently-themed interactive maps. Customize and print your own map

Desalination Map

Desalination Map

Existing and potential desalination plants in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Please visit the following web page for more information.

Marine Protected Areas and Trawling Closures in the MBNMS

Marine Protected Areas in the MBNMS

The Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) directs the state to reevaluate and redesign California's system of marine protected areas (MPAs). This map portrays both the Central Coast MPAs (implemented in 2007) and the North Central Coast MPAs (implemented in 2009) within the MBNMS.

  • For more information about the MLPA effort, click here.
  • For more information about MPAs in the MBNMS, click here.
  • Map Image (650 x 857; 441K jpg)

Marine Protected Areas in the MBNMS

Marine Protected Areas and Trawling Closures in the MBNMS

Groundfish closed areas specific to particular gear types transect the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Please visit the following web page for more information.

Sanctuary Borders Around Harbors Map

MBNMS Boundaries Around Harbors

This map provides a closer look at MBNMS boundaries around harbors, including Monterey, Moss Landing, Santa Cruz and Pillar Point.

MBNMS Special Regulatory Zones

marine zones map

MBNMS Marine Zones

This map combines a variety of marine zones in MBNMS, including NOAA regulated overflight zones, MPWC zones, Military Training zones, Jade Collection zones, and Dredge Disposal zones.

jade collection area map

MBNMS Jade Collection Areas

Collecting loose jade in specific designated areas is allowed within the MBNMS.

ASBS areas

Recommended Vessel Tracks

Effective and safe vessel traffic management within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary is ensured by vessels following these tracks. Please visit the following web page for more information.


Motorized Personal Watercraft Use Map

Motorized Personal Watercraft use zones. Map showing the four designated zones and access routes within the Sanctuary, with overlay of pinniped haul-out and seabird nesting areas. Please visit the following web page for more information.

image of Mavericks zone 5

Motorized Personal Watercraft Use Map - Zone 5

Overflight Map

Overflight Map

GIS map illustrating the four NOAA regulated overflight zones. Please visit the following web page for more information.

Dredge Disposal Map

Dredging Map

Dredging sites for the four harbors in the MBNMS including Pillar Point, Moss Landing, Santa Cruz and Monterey harbors. Please visit the following web page for more information.

davidson seamount management zone map

Davidson Seamount Management Zone

Taking, disturbing, injuring, or possessing any sanctuary resource, the source of which is more than 3,000 feet below the sea surface within the Davidson Seamount Management Zone, is prohibited.

Davidson Seamount Managment Zone

Other Sanctuary Maps

ASBS areas

Office of National Marine Santuaries Satellite Map

Satellite based map of all of the National Marine Sanctuaries and the National Marine Monument in the United States. Please visit the following web page for more information.

Atlas map

Atlas Maps

Maps of each national marine sanctuary, including Monterey Bay.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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