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Who Do I Call?


Emergencies are events which are in progress and pose an immediate and significant threat of harm to life, property, or the environment (e.g. vessel on fire or sinking, violent harassment or destruction of wildlife, very large oil spill). If you are aware of an emergency, dial 911 anywhere within the Sanctuary, and your call will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Most reported Sanctuary incidents and violations are not emergencies and should be referred to one of the contacts below.

Sanctuary Violations – In Progress

Sanctuary Violations in progress should be reported to the NOAA Hotline at 1-800-853-1964. Use the reporting guidelines as an aide when providing information by phone.

Sanctuary Violations – Not In Progress

Sanctuary Violations (not in progress)should be reported to the Sanctuary Law Enforcement Officer at (831) 647-4203 or the Sanctuary Resource Protection Coordinator at (831) 647-4253. Use the reporting guidelines as an aide when providing information by phone.

Oil and Hazardous Materials Spills

Oil and Hazardous Materials Spills should be reported to the California Office of Emergency Services at (800) 852-7550.

Injured or Dead Animal Recovery

  • For Live-Stranded Marine Mammals (sea lions, seals, sea otters, whales, dolphins) – call the Marine Mammal Center at (415) 289-SEAL (7325)
  • For Deceased Marine Mammals, call:
    • Bay Area Counties – California Academy of Sciences: (415) 379-5381
    • Santa Cruz County (north of Pajaro River) – Long Marine Lab, UCSC: (831) 212-1272
    • Monterey County (south of Pajaro River) – Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML): (831) 771-4422
    • San Luis Obispo County – The Marine Mammal Center, Morro Bay: (805) 771-8300
  • Sea Turtles—call the Marine Mammal Center at (415) 289-SEAL (7325).
  • Seabirds (Injured)—call the following according to the county where the bird is located:
    • Marin County: (415) 883-4621, Marin Humane Society (415) 456-7283, Wild Care
    • San Mateo County: (650) 340-8200, Penninsula Humane Society
    • Santa Cruz County: (831) 462-0726, Native Animal Rescue
    • Monterey County: (831) 264-5427, Monterey County SPCA
    • San Luis Obispo County: (805) 543-WILD (9453), Pacific Wildlife Care
  • Seabirds (Dead)—Dead seabirds should be left in place and not buried on the beach. Biologists routinely survey beaches within the Sanctuary for dead birds. In fact, the Sanctuary's Beach Comber Program is part of these survey efforts. The collected data is used to study bird mortality patterns and identify any significant problems. Removal of dead seabirds can hinder these research efforts, therefore, resource protection agencies prefer to leave them in place.
  • If you find birds with oil on them, notify the California Department of Fish and Wildlife at 1-888-DFG-CALTIP (334-2258)
  • If you find an unusually large concentration of dead birds within the Sanctuary, please contact the MBNMS Beach Comber Coordinator at (831-647-4213.


Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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