following sources have been suggested by the
authors of each section noted, for readers who are
interested in learning more about the specific
topics discussed in this report. (Note: this is NOT
a comprehensive bibliography about Sanctuary
resources.) A general reference for all Sanctuary
resources is the Site Characterization and its
bibliography. (**highlight the words "Site
Characterization" as a link to that page on the
Sanctuary's web site; don't include this yellow
text on the web)


"The Effects of Small-Scale Kelp Harvesting on
Giant Kelp Surface Canopy Dynamics in the Ed
Ricketts Underwater Park Region" (Michael D.
Donnellan and Michael S. Foster):
Donnellan, M. D. and M. S.
Foster. 1999. The effects of small-scale kelp
harvesting on giant kelp surface canopy dynamics in
the Ed Ricketts Underwater Park Region. Final
report to the Monterey Bay National Marine
Sanctuary and the Cities of Monterey and Pacific
Grove. 32 pp.
Foster, M.S. and D.R.
Schiel. 1985. The ecology of giant kelp forests in
California: a community profile. U.S.Deptartment of
the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Biological
Report 85 (7.2), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Washington, D.C. 152 pp.
Larson, M.L. and R.H.
McPeak, editors. 1995. Final Environmental
Document, giant and bull kelp commercial and
sportfishing regulations: Section 30 and 165, Title
14, California Code of Regulations. The Resources
Agency, Sacramento, CA. 150 pp.


"Monterey Bay Area Discoveries" (George
Matsumoto): Robison, B.H. 1999. Shape change
behavior by mesopelagic animals. Mar. Fresh.
Behav.Physiol. 32:17-25. URL
Hopcroft, R.R. and B.H.
Robison. 1999. A new mesopelagic larvacean,
Mesochordaeus erythrocephalus, sp. nov., from
Monterey Bay, with a description of its filtering
house. Journal of Plankton Research.
Johnson, K.S., F.P.
Chavez, and G.E. Friederich (4/22/99).
Continental-shelf sediment as a primary source of
iron for coastal phytoplankton. Nature, 398:


"Changing Habitats and Associated Fish Assemblages
of Elkhorn Slough" (Mary M. Yoklavich):
Barry, J.P., M.M.
Yoklavich, G.M. Cailliet, D.A. Ambrose, and B.S.
Antrim. 1996. Trophic ecology of the dominant
fishes in Elkhorn Slough, California, 1974-1980.
Estuaries 19:115-138.
Cailliet, G.M., B. Antrim,
D. Ambrose, S. Pace, and M. Stevenson. 1977.
Species composition, abundance and ecological
studies of fishes, larval fishes, and zooplankton
in Elkhorn Slough, p. 216-386. In J. Nybakken, G.
Cailliet, and W. Broenkow. Ecologic and
hydrographic studies of Elkhorn Slough Moss Landing
Harbor and nearshore coastal waters. Moss Landing
Marine Laboratories Technical Publication, Moss
Landing, CA.
Lindquist, D. C. 1998.
Assessing the effects of erosion on the trophic
relationships of fishes in Elkhorn Slough, CA. M.S.
Thesis, Moss Landing Marine
MacGinitie, G.E. 1935.
Ecological aspects of a California marine estuary.
Amer. Midl. Nat. 16:629-795.
Oxman, D.S. 1995. Seasonal
abundance, movements and food habits of harbor
seals (Phoca vitulina) in Elkhorn Slough,
California. M.S. Thesis, California State Univ.,
Yoklavich, M. M., G.M.
Cailliet, J. Barry, D. Ambrose, and B. Antrim.1991.
Temporal and spatial patterns in abundance and
diversity of fish assemblages in Elkhorn Slough,
California. Estuaries 14:465-480.
Yoklavich, M. M., M.
Stevenson, and G. M. Cailliet. 1992.Seasonal and
spatial patterns of ichthyoplankton abundance in
Elkhorn Slough, California. Estuarine, Coastal and
Shelf Science 34:109-126.


"The Moss Landing Christmas Bird Count: A 24-Year
Summary"(Bernadette and Bob Ramer):
Page, G. W., L. E.
Stenzel, and J. E. Kjelmyr.1999. Overview of
shorebird abundance and distribution in wetlands of
the Pacific Coast of the contiguous United States.
Condor 101:41-471.
Ramer, B. A., G. W. Page,
and M. M. Yoklavich.1991.Seasonal abundance,
habitat use, and diet of shorebirds in Elkhorn
Slough, California. West. Birds 22:157-174.
American Birds, 88th
Christmas Bird Count, Vol. 42, No.4. National
Audubon Society.


"The Status of the Nearshore Live Fish Fishery and
the Need for Effective Management" (Gregor M.
California Department of
Fish and Game. 1999. Nearshore finfishes, In:
Review of some California fisheries for 1998.
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries
Investigations (CalCOFI), Reports
Echeverria, T.W. 1987.
Thirty-four species of California rockfishes:
maturity and seasonality of reproduction. Fishery
Bulletin 85(2):229-250.
Hemingway, G., D. Hanan,
J. Hunter, and M. Mullins. 1999. Reports, Review,
and Publications: Report of CalCOFI Committee.
CalCOFI Reports 40:5-8.
Leet, W.S., C.M. Dewees,
and C.W. Haugen (1992) California's Living Marine
Resources and their Utilization. California Sea
Grant publication (UCSGEP-92-12: pages 150-179
cover "nearshore fishes.").
Love, M.S. and K.Johnson.
1998. Aspects of the life histories of grass
rockfish, Sebastes rastrelliger, and brown
rockfish, S. auriculatus, from southern California.
Fishery Bull. 87:100-109.
McKee-Lewis, K.K. 1996.
Rapid changes and growth of California's live
finfish fishery. Pages, 116-120 In:, Proceedings
from Marketing and Shipping Live Aquatic Products
'96, Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering
Service (NRAES-107).
Starr, R.M., K.A. Johnson,
E.A. Laman and G.M. Cailliet (1998) Fishery
Resources of the Monterey Bay National Marine
Sanctuary. Sea Grant publication (No. T-042:
details on the live fish fishery are especially
covered under those species which are primarily
targetted by it [e.g. rockfishes on page 81 and
cabezon, pages 88-89]).