

and Monitoring the

purpose of the National Marine Sanctuary Program is
to identify, designate, and manage marine areas of
special national significance. Reliable management
of a Sanctuary is dependent in large part on
surveying and understanding its resources
effectively. As discussed in the Research
Program section, the
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (in
collaboration with Monterey Bay Aquarium Research
Institute, MBARI) has begun to develop a
comprehensive ecosystem monitoring program to
detect changes to natural resources. Although the
huge size of the Sanctuary and the complexity of
its ecosystem create a daunting challenge in
surveying and monitoring, we are uniquely suited to
this challenge because of our long-range focus and
our tremendous array of regional partners to share
in the effort.
While the entire ecosystem
monitoring plan will be completed in late 2000,
several programs have already begun that will help
us achieve our comprehensive monitoring goal.
Scientists from several institutions—including
the U.S. Geological Survey, MBARI, U.C. Santa Cruz,
National Marine Fisheries Service, and California
Department of Fish and Game (CDFG)—have made
great strides in mapping the Sanctuary's seafloor
at various levels, from the shallow nearshore to
Monterey Canyon and the abyssal plains. Beginning
in 1999 investigators from C.S.U. Monterey Bay and
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories are tying these
mapping projects together and coordinating the
creation of a comprehensive marine habitat GIS
(geographic information system) for the California
continental shelf. Their general approach is to
compile, digitize, update, reinterpret, and verify
existing data as well as to initiate the effort to
fill the most critical data gaps within existing
habitat data coverage for nearshore marine
habitats. This project is building upon the
collaborative work already begun by the CDFG GIS
staff in developing a nearshore ecosystem database.
In addition to answering several basic scientific
questions, a main priority is to make use of all
existing data and technologies to define and map
essential marine habitats on the continental shelf
and to make these data available in digital formats
accessible to, and usable by, local, state, and
federal resource agencies.
This year the Sanctuary's
research staff has also begun mapping and
monitoring a critical Sanctuary resource—kelp
communities. Forests of giant kelp (Macrocystis
pyrifera) and bull kelp (Nereocystis leutkeana)
characterize much of California's nearshore
environment. These rich communities have vast
ecological, economic, and aesthetic value, and thus
their current and future conditions are a great
concern. To understand both natural and human
impacts on the temporal and spatial dynamics of
kelp forests better, we have begun a long-term kelp
canopy monitoring program. Building on previous
work, the Sanctuary began flying aerial kelp canopy
mapping surveys (see below) in the early fall of
1999. With the return of cooler waters during the
recent La Niña conditions, we found
tremendous kelp growth. Canopy cover in the
Sanctuary and all along the West Coast during the
fall of 1999 was at its highest level in more than
twenty years.
The various studies
described above complement other research efforts
detailed in this report, such as those focusing on
beaches and rocky shores. Additionally, surveys of
vessel traffic, marine reserves, and water quality
will all contribute to the Sanctuary's
comprehensive ecosystem monitoring
--Mario Tamburri,
Research Fellow
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Monterey Bay Aquarium

Effects of Small Scale Kelp Harvesting on
Giant Kelp Surface Canopy Dynamics in the
Ed Ricketts Underwater Park

Kelp Plan
In the summer of 2000 the California
Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) will
once again prepare a California Kelp
Management Plan for the California Fish
and Game Commission (FGC). This Plan will
govern the harvest of kelp in California
until 2005. The CDFG will review the
current California Kelp Management Plan in
late spring and make appropriate revisions
for the FGC to review in the summer of
Parallel to the state's process
described above, the Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary is developing a
"Sanctuary-Specific Kelp Plan" focusing on
kelp issues within its boundaries. The
purpose will be to make appropriate
recommendations to the CDFG and FGC
regarding Sanctuary waters, for
incorporation into the State Kelp
Management Plan. The first of two public
drafts—Background and Environ-mental
Setting—was released in January 2000.
After receiving public comments, the
Sanctuary staff planned to prepare a set
of recommended actions, to be released
later in 2000 for public comment.
Sanctuary staff anticipate releasing the
Final Plan in May 2000; it will contain
the Sanctuary's recommendations to the
CDFG and FGC. The Sanctuary will develop
its report and recommendations through an
open public process that includes the
Sanctuary Advisory Council, its working
groups and subcommittees, and other public
and private organizations.
The issue of the appropriate level of
kelp harvest is an ongoing one within the
Sanctuary, particularly due to recent
plans approved by the California Coastal
Com-mission to develop new abalone farms
in the region. The Sanctuary, including
its Advisory Council, acknowledges that
there are many legitimate "uses" of kelp,
including harvesting, recreational uses
such as kayaking and SCUBA diving,
research, and inherent biological benefit
to organisms.
The Sanctuary retains authority to
regulate kelp harvesting, but recognizes
the historical authority of California in
managing that issue, and prefers to work
through that authority rather than issue
its own regulations.
--Aaron King
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
--John Muhilly
Sanctuary MATE Intern
recent increase in commercial harvesting of giant
kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) off Monterey and
Pacific Grove has stimulated vigorous public debate
over the "appropriateness" of kelp harvesting
within the newly-established Ed Ricketts Underwater
Park. Conservation and recreation groups have
suggested that intensive hand-harvesting of giant
kelp by local aquaculture firms, particularly
during the winter months when kelp surface canopy
is scarce, has reduced the average abundance of the
surface canopy and possibly caused increased
mortality of giant kelp plants. In the interest of
science-based resource management, the Monterey Bay
National Marine Sanctuary and the cities of
Monterey and Pacific Grove commissioned a study to
investigate whether giant kelp surface canopy has
indeed decreased over time, and if so, whether the
decline can be attributed to kelp harvesting.
Researchers from Moss
Landing Marine Laboratories investigated this
question using aerial photographs taken since 1976
and available kelp harvest records from the
California Department of Fish and Game (Figure 1).
These data were analyzed with a modified
Before-After-Control-Impact study design, currently
one of the most statistically rigorous tests to
detect environmental impacts. The abundance of kelp
canopies, as measured by the surface area of
floating canopy during the fall period of maximum
canopy development, was compared among three
harvested sites (San Carlos, Cannery Row, and
Lovers Point) and an un-harvested control site
(Hopkins Marine Life Refuge; HMLR) both before and
after harvesting began.
There was no detectable
effect of current kelp harvesting practices on kelp
canopy abundance, but statistical power to detect
an effect was low given the small sample size of
the "high harvest" period (n = 2) and high natural
variability of kelp canopies. Therefore, these
results do not necessarily indicate that there was
not a harvesting effect, only that such an effect
was undetectable given the available data.
Increasing sample size (i.e., more yearly aerial
kelp canopy surveys in the future) is the only way
to refine these results further.
Interestingly, we did
detect a statistically significant decline in kelp
canopy during the 1970s and 1980s at San Carlos,
presumably due to the harvesting activities of the
now-defunct Monterey Abalone Farm that operated on
Cannery Row. However, this result was probably
confounded by short-term harvesting effects (i.e.,
canopy removal immediately prior to aerial
surveys), which precluded meaningful interpretation
and comparison with current harvesting
This review and analysis
outlined a procedural groundwork for future
investigation of kelp harvesting and highlighted
the value of establishing and using long-term data
sets of kelp canopy surveys for assessment of
environmental impacts in the nearshore marine
--Michael D. Donnellan and
Michael S. Foster
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

High School Students Study Marine
Protected Areas
In 1999 a SCUBA/marine research team of
eighteen students from four area high
schools (Carmel, Pacific Grove, Aptos, and
MAOS at Monterey) began collecting data
inside and adjacent to Point Lobos Marine
Reserve—one of three designated
"no-take" Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
located within the Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary. The project is
contributing to ongoing research to
determine the effectiveness of such
"no-take zones" in replenishing commercial
fishing stocks while also providing a
wonderful educational experience for
In preparation, students became
certified as open water SCUBA divers,
learned about resource management within
the Sanctuary, became familiar with marine
research techniques, and learned to
identify ninety-seven species of marine
invertebrates and sixty-three fishes
indigenous to the Carmel Bay area. The
students completed more than 200 research
dives inside the reserve and on the
adjacent reef at South Monastery. Students
swam "fish transects" in order to count
the number and variety of twelve "target"
resident fish species and recorded whether
the fish were juveniles or adults. The
students also completed a "site
characterization" that describes the
depth, substrate, algal species,
temperature, currents, and visibility
extant in their study sites. In addition,
they used a 25 by .25 meter quadrat to
count the absolute numbers of twenty
species of sessile invertebrates on the
rocky reef. They established a database to
describe the reef within the reserve
accurately and compared it to another
immediately outside of the protected area.
In this way they controlled the variables
before determining whether these two reefs
are similar enough to support the
comparable populations of fishes.
Statistical analysis of the transects,
quadrats, and video footage allowed
students to compare the results of
research conducted inside and outside the
A preliminary analysis of our data
indicates that there are more mature fish
inside the reserve while there are more
juvenile fish outside (at South
Monastery). With virtually no mature fish
outside the reserve these juvenile fish
most likely are the product of recruitment
from the adjacent MPA. The biggest
question that remains to be answered is
what proportion of a fishery needs to be
set aside as an MPA for this to be an
effective method of resource
--Mike Guardino
Carmel High School Teacher
Note: for additional information on
research into marine protected areas,
please see Ecosystem Observations 1998,
Pages 7-8)