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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary National Marine Sanctuaries Home Page National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Home Page

Things to Do In the Sanctuary

For those who love nature and outdoor activities, the sanctuary offers exciting adventures for everyone. Whether it's watching whales, paddling in the slough, reeling in salmon, exploring tide pools or diving among kelp forests, there is no more spectacular place to enjoy the ocean and outdoors.


Paddling in the sanctuary's kelp forests and wetlands is a wonderful way to experience nature's beauty and wildlife.

kayaker on monterey bay

Tide Pooling

Looking for an exciting ocean adventure? Go no further than the sanctuary's rocky shores. During low tide, it's a great place to discover sea life without getting wet!

bat star in tidepool

Wildlife Viewing

Known as the Serengeti of the Sea, the sanctuary is an incredible place to view wildlife. You can see seals, sea lions, sea otters, whales, dolphins and seabirds any time of year!

urban watch volunteers taking water samples


Whether fishing out on the bay or from the shore, opportunities abound to catch a variety of fish, including salmon, rockfish, steelhead, halibut and squid.

beachcomber volunteer taking samples

Motorized Personal Watercraft

To help protect sensitive habitats and marine life, motorized personal watercraft may only be operated within five designated zones and access routes within the sanctuary.

Motorized Personal Watercraft in surf

Whale Watching

The sanctuary boasts some of the world's best whale watching. You can see giants like gray, humpback and blue whales as well as an amazing variety of dolphins and porpoises.

breaching humpback whale

Exploring Beaches

Visitors come from around the world to enjoy the natural scenery, wildlife and recreation that sanctuary beaches offer.

baynet volunteers


The sanctuary lures divers from around the world who come here to experience the thrill of diving in towering kelp forests and rocky reefs teeming with life.

Interns working


By sail or motor, boating is a great way to see and experience the sanctuary.

Interns working
Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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