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Maritime Heritage: Shipwrecks

The MBNMS Submerged Cultural Resources Study of 2001 (Smith and Hunter 2003) includes a database of 463 reported vessel losses that occurred within the jurisdiction, or adjacent to the boundaries, of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Upon wrecking, vessels are known to drift at least 15 miles (e.g., Point Arena). Therefore, losses located just to the north of the sanctuary in Marin County and just to the south of the sanctuary in San Luis Obispo County are included. All wrecks on the Pacific side of San Francisco County (10) and those located at the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (8) are included.

There may be hundreds of vessels for which no written record exists, but whose archaeological remains lie within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Therefore, the MBNMS database is not exhaustive nor will such a database ever be considered complete. Reported vessel losses are listed in alphabetical order below. In addition, Shipwreck Profiles describing historic vessels and wreck events are available below (see hyperlinked vessel names).

For further reference, a larger study of the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf includes an inventory of coastal properties, underwater cultural heritage, and modeling of paleolandforms (ICF International et al. 2013).

The impetus behind acquiring information about recorded and postulated submerged cultural resources of the sanctuary is to provide management direction for future protection and enhancement of these resources.


Vessel Name
40Fathoms No. 4 oil screw oil screw 1941 1949
Vessel Name
A No. 1 barge towed 1919 1930
A. Crosby schooner sail   1869
schooner sail & steam 1899 1916
Abraham Lincoln schooner motor 1925 1931
Abraham Lincoln schooner sail 1864 1881
Acalin purse seiner   1928 1934
Active schooner sail 1872 1876
Acuelo ship     1872
Ada May schooner sail 1866 1880
Admiral gas screw gas screw 1915 1928
Ajax oil screw oil screw 1947 1974
Alaskan oil screw oil screw 1943 1959
Albert bark     1874
Albert bark sail 1890 1919
Alert schooner sail   1868
Alexander Duncan steamship     1881
Alice Buck ship sail 1870 1881
Allessandro schooner     1874
Aloha oil screw oil screw 1942 1955
Aloha steam schooner sail & steam   1901
Altura oil screw oil screw 1930 1968
American Boy schooner sail 1882 1890
American Clipper       1948
Aneadedea gas screw gas screw 1937 1967
Anglo-American   sail   1861
Anna Marie oil screw oil screw 1927 1974
Anne (Annie) schooner sail   1871
Annie       1920
Annie E. Smale schooner sail 1903 1910
Annie H. Johnson schooner sail 1860 1879
Apache II oil screw oil screw 1930 1952
Arakan steamship steam screw   1920
Argonaut schooner sail 1880 1890
Atlantic       1886
Aurora schooner sail 1901 1935
Avanti barge towed 1926 1939
Ayacucho brig sail   1841
Babinda gas screw gas screw 1919 1923
Barbara Marie oil screw oil screw 1943 1952
Beeswing schooner sail   1863
Bessie Everding schooner sail 1876 1888
Betty Ann oil screw oil screw 1944 1948
Beverly M gas screw gas screw 1943 1950
Bishop steam screw steam screw   1877
Blue Bell gas screw gas screw 1914 1951
Bob launch     1893
Bonita schooner     1896
Bonita schooner   1865 1920
Bonita steamer     1907
Bonnie Margaret gas screw gas screw 1944 1948
Branco Clipper gas screw gas screw 1940 1941
Bridget II oil screw oil screw 1947 1958
Bud oil screw oil screw 1945 1972
Burnbrite gas screw gas screw 1925 1960
Vessel Name
C-7742 trawler     1929
California gas screw gas screw 1918 1931
Californian tanker oil screw 1930 1932
Cappy Rick's oil screw oil screw 1945 1977
Caroline stern wheel steamboat   1868 1917
Carolyn II gas screw gas screw 1944 1952
Carrier Pigeon ship sail 1852 1853
Casco schooner steam screw 1906 1913
Cassandra oil screw oil screw 1944 1952
Catania tanker   1881 1915
Caterina barge towed 1926 1932
Cathy Ann gas screw gas screw 1941 1964
Celia schooner sail & steam 1884 1906
CG 256 cutter gas screw 1925 1933
Challenge schooner sail   1877
Charline oil screw oil screw 1943 1966
Chinampa oil screw oil screw 1947 1951
City of Glendale schooner     1921
City of New York        
Clara oil screw oil screw 1945 1966
Claus Spreckles brig sail 1879 1888
Coaster gas screw gas screw 1910 1925
Colonel Baker schooner sail 1864 1913
Columbia oil screw oil screw 1918 1949
Columbia (City of Columbia) steamer steam screw 1892 1896
Commodore Rogers ship sail   1837
Constance Romeo oil screw oil screw 1943 1954
Conte di Savoia oil screw oil screw 1940 1974
Coya bark sail 1863 1866
Crescent City schooner sail & steam 1906 1927
Cub gas screw gas screw 1918 1943
D.M. Renton oil screw oil screw 1923 1965
Daisy Rowe       1900
Danny Lee oil screw oil screw 1942 1964
Dawn gas screw gas screw 1915 1947
Delle Marie oil screw oil screw 1946 1959
Dianna II fishing   1945 1954
Donnie Boy oil screw oil screw 1948 1951
Dorothy C oil screw oil screw 1918 1962
Dorphy gas screw gas screw   1953
Dott gas screw gas screw 1909 1919
Drumburton schooner towed 1881 1904
Duxberry   sail   1849
Vessel Name
E. Antoni       1938
E.S. Lucido oil screw oil screw 1918 1946
Echo sloop sail   1879
Efina Kuyne galliot sail   1862
El Dorado sidewheel steamboat paddlewheel/side   1851
Electra schooner sail 1865 1894
Elizabeth ship sail 1882 1891
Ella gas screw gas screw 1917 1966
Elsie Iverson   sail 1887 1888
Elwood No. 1 gas screw gas screw 1915 1931
Elysia oil screw oil screw   1971
Emma M. oil screw oil screw 1942 19551
Empress gas screw gas screw 1917 1942
Empress modern ship oil screw 1942 1966
Eneas oil screw oil screw 1935 1955
Erin's Star bark sail   1880
Esperanza schooner sail 1877 1892
Eureka barkentine/schooner sail 1868 1902
Eureka steam screw steam screw 1900 1915
European   sail   1861
Evening Star schooner     1880
Express oil screw oil screw 1927 1942
F-1 submarine   1911 1912
Fallmouth schooner sail   1874
Fiesta oil screw oil screw 1939 1970
Five Brothers       1900
Flavel schooner sail & steam 1917 1923
Florida gas screw gas screw 1919 1930
Fourth of July schooner sail 1870 1878
Frances schooner sail   1879
Francois Coppee bark sail    
Frank Lawrence gas screw gas screw 1886 1946
Free Trade schooner sail 1869 1878
Vessel Name
G.C. Lindauer steam screw steam screw 1901 1921
Galilee schooner sail 1891 1935
Gambolier oil screw oil screw 1945 1949
Gardner 7 oil screw oil screw 1952 1967
Geneva No. 2 barge towed 1928 1930
Geoff gas screw gas screw 1917 1950
George R. Bailey gas screw gas screw 1904 1909
Gifford bark sail 1892 1903
Gipsy steamer screw 1868 1905
Giuseppe barge towed 1925 1930
Golden Gate schooner sail   1873
Granger schooner sail 1875 1808
Greenland oil screw oil screw 1929 1934
H. Caroline       1874
H. L. Rutgers bark sail 1865 1868
H.C. Almay schooner sail 1855 1879
H.M. oil screw oil screw 1944 1960
H.M. Adams oil screw oil screw 1913 1945
Haddingtonshire bark sail 1884 1885
Hanalei schooner   1901 1914
Handy oil screw oil screw 1958 1960
Hannah M. Bourne       1868
Harlech Castle bark sail 1867 1869
Harmony       1940
Hartwood schooner steam 1916 1929
Hayes       1869
Helena bark sail 1841 1849
Hellespont ship sail 1856 1868
Henrietta schooner steam screw 1898 1927
Henrietta schooner steam screw   1868
Henriette schooner sail   1879
Hi Brow oil screw oil screw 1942 1978
Hildegard oil screw oil screw 1943 1960
Howard Olson freighter steam screw 1917 1956
Vessel Name
Ida A schooner     1905
Ida May gas screw gas screw 1908 1930
Idaho oil screw oil screw 1920 1929
Ideal launch     1928
Illinois gas screw gas screw 1928 1949
Independence (CVL 22) light aircraft carrier steam turbines 1942 1951
Infallable (Infallible) oil screw oil screw 1927 1944
Iolanda steamer steam screw 1905 1923
Ipokai yacht motor sail 1919 1935
Isabelita Hyne bark sail 1846 1856
Iva F gas screw gas screw 1912 1951
J Eppinger schooner sail 1887 1898
J. E. Reese schooner sail   1874
J. Sarkie bark sail   1851
J.B. Stetson schooner sail & steam 1905 1934
J.C. Condon   sail   1886
J.C. Cousins pilot boat sail 1863 1875
J.E. Haskins schooner sail 1861 1874
J.W. Seaver bark sail 1859 1887
Jack Jr. oil screw oil screw 1945 1960
Jacob Luckenbach steamship steam screw 1944 1953
Jade Sea oil screw oil screw 1943 1967
James Rolph schooner sail 1899 1910
Jean oil screw oil screw 1919 1972
Jenern gas screw gas screw 1918 1967
Jennie Osborn (Jessie Osborn) ship sail 1874 1878
Jo Jean gas screw gas screw 1945 1959
Jo Rita Bennett gas screw gas screw 1925 1946
Joe Jr. oil screw oil screw 1926 1954
John E. Spreckels barkentine sail 1880 1913
Johnson No. 1 gas screw gas screw 1920 1948
Johsua Grindle schooner sail 1874 1887
Joker oil screw oil screw 1944 1960
Juanita       1947
Jugo Slavia oil screw oil screw 1928 1940
Julia Brown schooner sail 1879 1879
Julius Pringle schooner   1829 1863
Vessel Name
K.H. Co. No.2 barge towed 1926 1938
Kaiser oil screw oil screw 1928 1978
Kama gas screw gas screw 1933 1971
Katherine Donovan steamer steam screw 1913 1941
Kiyo II oil screw oil screw 1917 1945
Kolie gas screw gas screw 1919 1957
Kona barge towed 1969  
Kornat oil screw oil screw 1945 1971
La Crescentia       1935
La Feliz freighter steam screw 1904 1924
Labouchere steamship paddlewheel/side 1858 1866
Lady Luck oil screw oil screw 1944 1950
Lecene R II oil screw oil screw 1942 1963
Leelenaw       1899
Lena schooner sail   1866
Leona oil screw oil screw 1944 1955
Liguria oil screw oil screw 1916 1976
Lilianne oil screw oil screw 1946 1963
Lillebonne schooner   1883 1912
Lizzie C. Jurss schooner sail 1878 1885
Lizzie Derby schooner sail 1869 1891
Los Angeles steamship steam screw 1866/74 1894
Louis schooner   1888 1907
Louisa schooner sail 1854 1864
Louisa De Merritt sloop/schooner sail 1854 1886
Louise gas screw gas screw 1930 1952
Lucas ship sail 1839 1858
Lucille oil screw oil screw 1955 1959
Luck Day oil screw oil screw 1944 1963
Lyda B gas screw gas screw 1944 1958
Lyman Stewart steamer steam screw 1914 1922
Vessel Name
M. Mangels schooner sail 1865 1882
Ma-Nee oil screw oil screw 1950 1961
Mabel oil screw oil screw 1919 1929
Macon dirigible propellers /helium 1933 1935
Madeline sloop sail   1925
Maggie Johnston schooner sail   1863
Majestic schooner sail & steam 1908 1909
Maple Leaf gas screw gas screw 1944 1947
Mardine oil screw oil screw 1941 1980
Margaret oil screw oil screw 1918 1928
Margaret oil screw oil screw 1945 1954
Marian gas screw gas screw 1943 1962
Marian gas screw gas screw 1903 1970
Marin schooner sail   1861
Mary barge towed 1925 1937
Mary schooner sail   1853
Mary D. Pomeroy schooner sail 1879 1879
Mary Lois gas screw gas screw 1933 1948
Mary Martin schooner sail   1863
Mary Stuart brig     1851
Maryland steamship steam screw 1912 1913
Maxie V oil screw oil screw 1945 1978
May B oil screw oil screw 1923 1972
Megara Augusta oil screw oil screw 1929  
Mello Bay oil screw oil screw 1949 1965
Merry Jim oil screw oil screw 1942 1971
Mia Maria gas screw gas screw 1944 1972
Mine gas screw gas screw 1918 1937
Mirn oil screw oil screw 1942 1952
Miss Enez oil screw oil screw 1951 1979
Misty Blue oil screw oil screw 1945 1979
Monarch oil screw oil screw 1913 1972
Montebello tanker steam screw 1921 1941
Monterey schooner sail   1862
Morning Mist oil screw oil screw 1950 1964
Munleon freighter steam screw 1919 1931
Myrtle D gas screw gas screw 1919 1925
Mystery schooner   1868 1907
Mystic oil screw oil screw 1934 1960
Vessel Name
N & K No. 1 gas screw gas screw 1918 1931
Nahumkeag bark sail 1846 1867
Napa City schooner sail    
Natala (Natalia) (La Natalie) schooner sail   1831
Nerenta K oil screw oil screw 1927 1941
Nettie Low schooner motor sail 1891 1900
New Crivello oil screw oil screw 1936 1936
New England bark      
New Hope oil screw oil screw 1940 1953
New Roma oil screw oil screw 1937 1970
New Sunset oil screw oil screw 1929 1964
New York ship sail 1883 1898
No Name barge towed 1899 1914
No Name barge towed   1915
No Name barge towed 1909 1909
No Name barge unknown --- 1916
No Name oil screw oil screw 1952 1980
Norma Jean gas screw gas screw 1944 1958
North Star oil screw oil screw 1905 1953
Novato scow sail   1884
Novick (Norvick) corvette     1863
Ohio No. 2 gas screw gas screw 1927 1948
Ohioan steamship steam screw   1926
Old Tom gas screw gas screw 1917 1941
Orazio barge towed 1926 1931
Oregon oil screw oil screw 1927 1934
Orion oil screw oil screw 1927 1942
Oseola scow schooner sail   1878
Osprey oil screw oil screw   1978
Ostego schooner sail   1872
Otago bark sail   1888
Owl motor boat gas screw 1888 1935
Oxford   sail   1852
Vessel Name
P.D. Patrol gas screw gas screw 1908 1937
P15 oil screw oil screw 1942 1962
Page schooner sail   1889
Palo Alto tanker   1919 1936
Panama gas screw gas screw 1912 1930
Panglima oil screw oil screw 1935 1942
Panjax gas screw gas screw 1917 1939
Patrician ship sail 1859 1873
Pelican oil screw oil screw 1942 1962
Penny A oil screw oil screw 1944 1953
Peso oil screw oil screw 1939 1968
Petersburg brig   1837 1852
Pilgrim gas screw gas screw 1912 1925
Point Arena steam schooner sail & steam 1887 1913
Polaris schooner sail 1902 1914
Pomo schooner steam screw 1903 1914
Poor Boy oil screw oil screw 1943 1972
Portola oil screw oil screw 1925 1932
Posidon gas screw gas screw 1920 1942
Prince Alfred steamship   1852 1874
Progress steamer oil screw 1927 1942
Quinault       1911
R.D. Inman schooner sail & steam 1907 1909
Rachel schooner sail   1895
Rambler gas screw gas screw 1921 1945
Raymond gas screw gas screw 1910 1917
Redwing gas screw gas screw 1909 1974
Remus oil screw oil screw 1929 1960
Reporter schooner sail 1876 1902
Rhine Maru freighter steam screw 1922 1930
Richfield tanker steam screw 1913 1930
Riverside steamship steam screw 1908 1912
Roanoke steamship steam screw 1882 1916
Rob Roy gas screw gas screw 1911 1954
Rochelle brig     1849
Roderick Dhu bark towed 1874 1909
Rosa barge towed 1925 1931
Rosana oil screw oil screw 1939 1953
Rose barge towed 1926 1932
Rowena gas screw gas screw 1939 1941
Ruth gas screw gas screw 1920 1925
Rydall Hall ship     1876
Vessel Name
Saint Theresa oil screw oil screw 1929 1948
Sal Angelo oil screw oil screw 1951 1951
Salinas steam screw steam screw   1871
Samoa steamship steam screw 1898 1913
Samson schooner sail 1890 1895
Samuel Lewis steamship steam screw 1851 1853
San Augustin ship sail   1595
San Domenico purse seiner   1935 1935
San Gabriel steamship     1907
San Juan steamship steam screw 1882 1929
San Juana gas screw gas screw 1917 1929
San Ramon steamship steam screw    
San Vincente steam screw steam screw 1875 1887
San Xavier gas screw gas screw 1914 1946
Santa Barbara     1900 1905
Santa Cruz steam screw steam screw   1904
Santa Lucia oil screw oil screw 1937 1954
Santa Rita oil screw oil screw 1939 1971
Santa Rosalia oil screw oil screw 1946 1976
Sarah W. schooner sail   1867
Scio Page schooner sail   1888
Sea Bird gas screw gas screw 1908 1913
Sea Cloud oil screw oil screw 1944 1980
Sea Fox gas screw gas screw 1928 1954
Sea Grinch oil screw oil screw 1945 1967
Sea Hag oil screw oil screw 1944 1957
Sea King oil screw oil screw 1943 1955
Sea King oil screw oil screw 1944 1980
Sea Maid oil screw oil screw 1939 1973
Sea Master oil screw oil screw 1952 1954
Sea Nymph ship sail 1853 1861
Sea Prince oil screw oil screw 1944 1980
Sea Rogin oil screw oil screw 1944 1980
Sea Trader       1878
Sea Witch oil screw oil screw 1944 1975
Sea Wolf oil screw oil screw 1928 1932
Seaco oil screw oil screw 1918 1928
Sebastian L oil screw oil screw 1930 1954
Sehome oil screw oil screw 1889 1918
Selja steamship     1910
Selma schooner     1877
Selma J. oil screw oil screw 1926 1973
Service water taxi   1924 1934
Shamrock VI gaff rigged, topsail schooner   1930s 1972
Shangrila oil screw oil screw 1950 1974
Shasta steam schooner   1908 1937
Shna Yak schooner steam screw 1907 1916
Sierra Nevada sidewheel steamboat paddlewheel/side 1852 1869
Signal schooner steam screw 1887 1911
Silver Cloud schooner sail   1876
Silver Fox oil screw oil screw 1945 1950
Sir John Franklin ship sail 1854 1865
Sonoma schooner sail 1868 1911
Southland oil screw oil screw 1930 1944
Spencer oil screw oil screw 1937 1947
Spy gas screw gas screw 1935 1948
St. Mary oil screw oil screw 1947 1966
St. Paul barkentine sail & steam 1875 1896
Stanford oil screw oil screw 1928 1943
Stanford oil screw oil screw 1944 1958
Star of the West brig sail 1840 1845
Steelhead oil screw oil screw 1946 1960
Steelhead oil screw oil screw 1942 1963
Stella Maris oil screw oil screw 1944 1975
Sunlight oil screw oil screw 1929 1937
Swan oil screw oil screw 1928 1950
Vessel Name
Tagus ship     1851
Tamalpais schooner sail & steam 1906 1931
Tano gas screw gas screw   1921
Tennessee sidewheel steamboat paddlewheel/side 1848/9 1853
Texas Rocket oil screw oil screw 1944 1960
Thad gas screw gas screw 1907 1919
Thomas H. Benton brig sail   1849
Thomas L. Wand schooner sail & steam 1906 1922
Three Sisters oil screw oil screw 1917 1929
Timesend gas screw gas screw 1941 1970
Tisa oil screw oil screw 1944 1967
Tongawanda schooner sail   1862
Traveler schooner sail   1852
Triton schooner motor sail   1911
Tuna gas screw gas screw 1945 1962
Two Brothers oil screw oil screw 1947 1960
Umpqua 11 barge   1970 1982
Valentine Alviso schooner   1866 1883
Ventura steamer steam screw 1865 1875
Victory gas screw gas screw 1942 1949
Viking oil screw oil screw 1925 1942
Virginia oil screw oil screw 1929 1932
Virginia I oil screw oil screw 1919 1948
Vyra gas screw gas screw 1925 1965
W. C. F. Co. No. 2 gas screw gas screw 1922 1936
W.H. Gawley barkentine sail 1861 1880
W.T. Wheaton       1854
Wahoo oil screw oil screw 1928 1964
Warren H. oil screw oil screw 1929 1949
Warrior Queen ship sail 1836 1874
Western No. 2 barge towed 1927 1939
Western Shore ship sail 1874 1878
Western Spirit gas screw gas screw   1932
Whale barge towed 1925 1925
William Ackmann schooner sail & steam 1881 1883
William f. Witzemann schooner sail 1887 1907
William H. Smith ship sail 1899 1933
Xilda gas screw gas screw 1909 1950
YFD #20 barge towed 1942 1943
YP 128 patrol boat     1952
YP 636 patrol boat     1946

Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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