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Historic Shipwreck Profile

schooner Active at Lighthouse Point
Schooner Active came ashore 4 a.m. October 26, 1876. Santa Cruz Lighthouse before it was moved. Courtesy of UC Santa Cruz, University Library, Digital Collections.



shipwreck location map

Casualty Location: Lighthouse Point, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California, USA

Location Status: located (see Important Note)

Casualty Date: 1876 (Oct 26)

Owner: J.E. Jacobson and others

Home Port: San Francisco, California, USA

Length: 98 feet Beam: 29.5 feet

Gross Tonnage: 147.68 Cargo: 3,000 railroad ties

Builder: Georg Buchert and others

Launched: 1872 (Gardiner City, Oregon, USA)

Official Number: 105198

Description: During the wee hours of October 26, 1876, the schooner Active experienced rough weather, causing the vessel to go ashore at Lighthouse Point, Santa Cruz; described as one of the worst spots on the coast. The crew made every effort to save her. No lives were lost. Constructed of pine with galvanized iron fastenings, the vessel was valued at $12,000 and insured for $3,000.

Nature of Casualty:

Newspaper clipping from Daily Alta California 27OCT1876 p2 col2 shipwreck Active

Newspaper clipping from Daily Alta California 27OCT1876 p2 col2 shipwreck Active


Source: Daily Alta California (San Francisco, CA), 27 October 1876, p. 2, col. 2.
Courtesy of California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside.



Intelligence was received yesterday that the schooner "Active," 148 tons, had gone ashore on Lighthouse Point, and will be a total loss. No particulars have been received, but it is presumed that in attempting to leave Santa Cruz on account of the southwester, she, owing to being flying light, (having very little ballast on) was driven ashore on the Point, which is said to be one of the worst spots on the coast. The vessel was built at Umpqua, in 1872, was 92 feet long, 20 feet beam, and 7 feet depth of hold. She was owned, by J. E. Jacobson one-fourth, B. H. Madsen one-eighth, C. C. Brock one-eighth, D. Steffins one-eighth, A. Anderson one-eighth, J. Peterson one-sixteenth, H. A. Thompson one-eighth, J. Jensen one sixteenth, H. Maybel one-sixteenth; was valued at about $12,000, and insured for $3000, in the Swiss Lloyds and Commercial Insurance Companies.

Additional Information: Wreck Event
(click headline to access full article)

Newspaper headline from Daily Alta California 28OCT1876 p1 col7 shipwreck Active

Source: Daily Alta California (San Francisco, CA), 28 October 1876, p. 1, col. 7.
Courtesy of California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside.


A Schooner Lost.

Newspaper headline from Daily Alta California 29OCT1876 p1 col4 shipwreck Active

Source: Daily Alta California (San Francisco, CA), 29 October 1876, p. 1, col. 4.
Courtesy of California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside.



Newspaper headline from Santa Cruz Sentinel 4NOV1876 p3 col1 of shipwreck Active

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (Santa Cruz, CA), 4 November 1876, p. 3, col. 1.
Courtesy of California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside.



Referenced and Additional Resources

Important Note: Section 922.132 of the sanctuary regulations prohibits or restricts several activities in order to safeguard sanctuary resources, including: Moving, removing, injuring or possessing historical resources.

For a complete “official text" of MBNMS regulatory prohibitions, see Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 922.132 published by the U.S. Government Printing Office.

Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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