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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary National Marine Sanctuaries Home Page National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Home Page

Resource Protection Overview

aeral photo of moss landingThere are a variety of resource protection issues within the Sanctuary region due to the sensitivity of habitats and species in the region, the long stretch of adjacent populated coastline, and the multiple uses of the marine environment. The Sanctuary addresses these issues through a variety of means to reduce or prevent detrimental human impacts. Approaches include collaborative multistakeholder management efforts to identify and reduce impacts, reviewing and commenting on projects which may impact the Sanctuary, regulations on prohibited activities, issuing of permits with conditions to minimize impacts, and where necessary, enforcement. Resource protection issues are also addressed through response to emergency events such as spills, through educational outreach to assist the public and businesses in minimizing impacts, and by monitoring to more closely target management efforts.

General Information

Learn more of the details about Resource Protection staff and resources.
research ship

Ecosystem-Based Management

Enhance ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning by applying best available science and integrating and coordinating with partner agencies.
researcher in field

Permits, Regulations, & Enforcement

Prohibitions and permits are tools to protect Sanctuary resources.
coast gaurd helecopter

Water Quality

A partnership effort for clean water in the Sanctuary and its watersheds.
beach warning sign posted on beach

Maritime Heritage

Explore a variety of publications, databases, and web resources that describe the reported vessel losses in MBNMS.
zepplin Macon picture

Resource Management Issues

A wide variety of potential threats and opportunities for maintaining a healthy Sanctuary.
cruise ship in monterey bay

Conservation Working Group

One of the four working groups of the Sanctuary Advisory Council.

conservation working group meeting


Resource protection reports and documents.
screen shot of report web page
Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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