MBNMS Sanctuary Advisory Council Members
Non-Governmental |
Governmental |
Non-Voting |
Officers |
Agriculture |
Ms. Sarah Lopez Primary & Secretary Central Coast Water Quality Preservation, Inc. (831) 331-9051 sarah@ccwqp.org |
Ms. Marieke Desmond Alternate Salinas Basin Water Alliance marieke@salinasbasinwateralliance.com |
Business/Industry |
Mr. Tom Rowley Primary Realtor Century 21 Monterey/MPCC (831) 648-7271, ext. 113 TomR2004@hotmail.com |
Ms. Monica Lal Alternate Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce (831) 648-5350 Monica@montereychamber.com |
Commercial Fishing |
Mr. Tim Obert Primary tim.obert@att.net |
–VACANT– Alternate |
Conservation |
–VACANT– Primary |
–VACANT– Alternate |
Diving |
Mr. Keith Rootsaert Primary Construction Project Manager Salas O'Brien Engineers, Inc (408) 206-0721 Keith@G2KR.com |
Mr. Adam Lester Alternate agarrisonlester@gmail.com |
Education |
Ms. Pamela Neeb Wade Primary & Chair Secondary School Programs Manager Monterey Bay Aquarium (831) 644-7590 pwade@mbayaq.org |
Mr. Greg McBride |
Recreation |
Mr. Tony Elliot Primary City of Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Director (831) 420-5270 telliot@cityofsantacruzca.gov |
Mr. Nicholas Wilson Alternate Dockside Yacht Service (831) 331-3117 nwdockside.yachtservice@gmail.com |
Recreational Fishing |
Mr. Adam Helm Primary & Vice Chair General Manager Monterey Bay Kayaks (559) 907-9268 diverhelm@gmail.com |
Mr. Jose Montes Alternate Retired San Jose Police Sergeant (831) 261-7160 pistolerocaptain1@gmail.com |
Research |
Dr. Brandon Southall, Ph.D. Primary President and Chief Scientist for Southall Environmental Associates Research Associate with the University of California, Santa Cruz brandon.southall@sea-inc.net |
Dr. Steven Haddock Alternate Senior Scientist MBARI (831) 775-1793 |
Tourism |
Ms. Marina Maze Primary Monterey Bay Eco Tours marina.alise@gmail.com |
Dr. Paige Viren Alternate Executive Director Sustainable Hospitality Management Program College of Business California State University, Monterey Bay pviren@csumb.edu |
At-Large |
Ms. Jenny McAdams Primary Director of Operations Monterey County Business Council (831) 643-5065 jennysmcadams@gmail.com |
–VACANT– Alternate |
Ms. Felicia Van Stolk Primary Executive Director Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History felicia@santacruzmuseum.org |
Mr. Greg Crandall Alternate Retired gregcrandall@mac.com |
–VACANT– Primary |
Mr. Daniel Schalk Alternate Coast Unified Science Teacher dschalk@coastunified.org |
Mr. Brian McCarthy Primary bmccarthy@cityofmarina.org |
Mr. Scott Funk Alternate Mayor Pro Tem & Councilmember City of Gonzales (831) 320-2866 scottfunk3755@yahoo.com |
CA Coastal Commission |
Mr. Dan Carl Primary North Central/Central Coast District Director (831) 426-4863 dan.carl@coastal.ca.gov |
Mr. Kevin Kahn Alternate District Manager for Central Coast District Office (831) 427-4863 kevin.kahn@coastal.ca.gov |
CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife |
Ms. Chelsea Protasio Primary Environmental Scientist Marine Region chelsea.protasio@wildlife.ca.gov |
Rose Dodgen Alternate Environmental Scientist Marine Region rose.dodgen@wildlife.ca.gov |
Mary Hamilton Primary Environmental Scientist Water Quality Control Board mary.hamilton@waterboards.ca.gov |
Katherine Faick Alternate Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor State Water Resources Control Board kat.faick@waterboards.ca.gov |
CA Resources Agency |
Ms. Jenn Eckerle Primary Acting Deputy Secretary Oceans and Coastal Policy at California Natural Resources Agency Acting Executive Director Ocean Protection Council jenn.eckerle@resources.ca.gov |
Mr. Michael Esgro Alternate Senior Biodiversity Program Manager & Tribal Liaison Ocean Protection Council Marine Biodiversity Program michael.esgro@resources.ca.gov |
CA State Parks |
Mr. Daniel Shaw Primary Monterey Deputy District Superintendent daniel.shaw@parks.ca.gov |
Mr. Eric Abma Alternate Sector Superintendent Monterey District (831) 646-6441 eric.abma@parks.ca.gov |
Harbors |
Mr. Jim Pruett Primary General Manager Pillar Point Harbor San Mateo County Harbor District jpruett@smharbor.com |
Mr. John Haynes Alternate Santa Cruz Port District jhaynes@santacruzharbor.org |
Mr. Brian Nelson Alternate Harbormaster City of Monterey cdbriannelson@gmail.com |
Jeff Pritchard Alternate Assistant Harbormaster Moss Landing Harbor District pritchard@mosslandingharbor.dst.ca.us |
College |
Ms. Cindy Matuch Primary Graduate Fellow University of California, Santa Cruz (714) 791-0977 cmatuch@ucsc.edu |
Ms. Josephine Wrinkle Alternate Full-Time Marine Science Student Undergraduate at CSU Monterey Bay (559) 660-6444 jwrinkle@csumb.edu |
Channel Islands NMS |
Mr. Chris Mobley Primary Superintendent (805) 893-6416 chris.mobley@noaa.gov |
Mr. Michael Murray Alternate Deputy Superintendant & SAC Coordinator (805) 893-6418 michael.murray@noaa.gov |
Cordell Bank & Greater Farallones NMS |
Ms. Maria Brown Primary Superintendent (415) 561-6622 maria.brown@noaa.gov |
Mr. Brian Johnson Alternate Deputy Superintendant (415) 561-6622 x 236 brian.johnson@noaa.gov |
Elkhorn Slough NERR |
Mr. Dave Feliz Primary Reserve Manager (831) 728-2822 x 302 dave.feliz@wildlife.ca.gov |
Dr. Dan Brumbaugh Alternate Coastal Training Program Coordinator (831) 728-2822 x 306 dan@elkhornslough.org |
Monterey Bay NMS |
Dr. Lisa Wooninck Primary Superintendent (831) 647-4258 lisa.wooninck@noaa.gov |
Ms. Dawn Hayes Alternate Deputy Superintendent (831) 647-4256 dawn.hayes@noaa.gov |
National Marine Fisheries Service |
Dr. Steven Lindley Primary Director, Fisheries Ecology Division Southwest Fisheries Science Center (831) 420-3921 steve.lindley@noaa.gov |
Dr. Steven Bograd Alternate Research Oceanographer, Environmental Research Division Southwest Fisheries Science Center (831) 648-8314 steven.bograd@noaa.gov |
U.S. Coast Guard |
LTJG Andrew Ireland Primary Coast Guard District Eleven Enforcement Living Marine Resources Officer US Coast Guard District 11 Andrew.M.Ireland@uscg.mil |
LT Devon Zych Alternate LMR Program Manager Coast Guard District Eleven Waterways US Coast Guard District 11 Devon.D.Zych@uscg.mil |
- Pamela Neeb Wade, Chair Elected February 2023
- Adam Helm, Vice Chair Elected February 2023
- Sarah Lopez, Secretary Elected February 2023
- Brian Nelson, Chair Elected June 2018; Re-elected October 2020
- Dan Haifley, Vice Chair Elected October 2020
- Sarah Lopez, Secretary, Elected October 2020
- Brian Nelson, Secretary Elected 2016
- Margaret "PJ" Webb, Vice Chair Elected June 2018
- Gary Pezzi, Secretary Elected June 2018
- Dan Haifley, Secretary Elected April 2014
- Kirk Schmidt, Chair Elected April 2012
- Margaret "PJ" Webb, Vice Chair Elected April 2012
- Gary Pezzi, Secretary Elected April 2012
- Margaret "PJ" Webb, Secretary Elected April 2010
- Kirk Schmidt, Vice Chair Elected April 2008; Re-elected April 2010
- Dr. Chris Harrold, Chair Elected April 2008; Re-elected April 2010
- Kaitilin Gaffney, Secretary Elected February 2008
- Rev. Deborah Streeter, Chair Elected April 2004
- Thomas Canale, Vice Chair Elected April 2004
- Kaitilin Gaffney, Secretary Elected February 2005
- Dan Haifley, Elected February 2001; Re-elected April 2004
- Stephanie Harlan, Chair Elected April 2000
- Richard Nutter, Vice Chair Elected February 2001
- Steve Webster, Chair Elected April 1998
- Steve Abbott, Vice Chair Elected April 1999
- Ed Brown, Secretary Elected April 1998;Re-elected April 2000
- Rachel Saunders, Vice Chair Elected June 1997
- Karin Strasser Kauffman, Chair Elected March 1994; Re-elected April 1996
- Steve Webster, Vice-Chair Elected March 1994; Re-elected April 1995
- Jim Hall, Secretary Elected March 1994
- Steve Abbott, Secretary Elected April 1995
- David Iverson, Secretary Elected April 1996; Re-elected June 1997