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Research Activity Panel (RAP) Overview

The MBNMS Research Activity Panel (RAP) is a working group of the MBNMS Advisory Council.

The RAP has several key objectives:

  1. Advise Sanctuary staff on conservation science issues that will influence policy (e.g. address research questions in the MBNMS Management Plan).
  2. Review of research issues and documents for SAC and Sanctuary staff.
  3. Facilitate the exchange of regional research information and create opportunities for project coordination.
  4. Convey regional research needs and opportunities to the SAC.

Currently, the RAP is composed of 23 representatives from regional research institutions and organizations. Administrative support of the RAP is provided by the MBNMS staff. Click on the links to the left to see current RAP members, meeting agenda and summaries, history of the RAP, and RAP policies.

For more information, contact:

Erica Burton
MBNMS RAP Coordinator
99 Pacific Street, Bldg. 455A
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: (831) 647-4246
Fax: (831) 647-4250







Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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