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MBNMS Advisory Council Actions and Results

Starting in 2003, actions taken by the Sanctuary Advisory Council are available to the public online. The actions are available in pdf format.

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007


2020 Meeting Actions

   August 21st Letter from Brian Nelson (Advisory Council Chair) to Commissioner Karen Douglas of public comment on TN 231989, Notice of Availability of Outreach on Additional Considerations for Offshore Wind off Central Coast of California; Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary "Discussion Area."  The letter is not in support of using the Discussion Area within MBNMS for a wind farm.  




2019 Meeting Actions

   December 13th

Final Resolution regarding balloon marine debris. The MBNMS Advisory Council recommends MBNMS address the issue of balloons and accompanied plastic tetherings/accessories as marine debris through various approaches including the development of educational materials.

Final Resolution regarding syringes in MBNMS. The MBNMS Advisory Council recommends MBNMS work with city, county, state and other federal agencies to increase accountability in syringe services, balancing effective access to safe needles with policies that incentivize safe disposal and reduce opportunities for trafficking in needles.

Final Resolution regarding Carolyn Skinders contribution to MBNMS. The MBNMS Advisory Council recognized Carolyn's yeards of contribution as MBNMS's Southern Regional Program Coordinator.




   June 15th

Final Resolution regarding plastic pollution. The MBNMS Advisory Council recommends MBNMS use a comprehensive approach, at all local to international jurisdiction levels, to plastic pollution mitigation.




2018 Meeting Actions

   June 15th

Final Resolution regarding collaborative purple sea urchin removal projects. The MBNMS Advisory Council recommends MBNMS coordinate and collaborate with California Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Region and California State Fish and Game Commission on research and management projects involving purple sea urchins in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties.


   February 28th

Letter from Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) to Ms. Kelly Hammerle, (Manager, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's (BOEM) National OCS Oil and Gas Leading Program) in opposition of offshore oil development and the inclusion of any portion of the Pacific Coast Outer Continental Shelf Planning Area's in BOEM's Draft Proposed Five-Year Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Program.


2017 Meeting Actions

  December 15th

Recommendation from Advisory Council that MBNMS interpret existing language regarding beneficial reuse of clean dredged materials, as defined by the Clean Water Act and Ocean Dumping Act. The goal would be to allow placement of such materials from harbors or other sources below mean high water as long as the interpretation does not open the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary designation document.
The Advisory Council urges an expeditious response because of community concerns.


  October 20th

Motion was made to support including the draft Research and Monitoring Action Plan into the draft Management Plan, acknowledging that it is an ambitious plan, and encourages the involvement of the RAP in establishing research priorities.


  July 19th
Emergency Meeting

Letter from Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) to Paul Michel (MBNMS Superintendent) of public comment on the President’s Executive Order that started a review evaluating national marine sanctuary expansions after 2007. The letter is in support of the inclusion of Davidson Seamount in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) for the value it brings to local communities. MBNMS expanded to include Davidson Seamount in 2009.


  July 10th
Emergency Meeting

Letter from Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) to Paul Michel (MBNMS Superintendent) in support of the proposed California Coastal Commission settlement agreement with CEMEX. The settlement agreement will lead to the cessation of the sand mining operation in Marina, California. This sand mining operation has caused significant beach erosion, habitat loss, property loss and discharge of pit mine water.


   June 16th

Recommendations from Wildlife Disturbance – Ocean Noise Working Group to MBNMS Advisory Council. Recommendations include increased research efforts, featuring sound in Sanctuary's visitors centers, consulting with appropriate agencies and fishing industry to catalog use of seal bombs and convening collaborative groups of stakeholders to strategize on minimizing use of seal bombs and effective alternatives.


  April 21st

Recommendation from Advisory Council on AWQA’s future strategies in the newly proposed Water Quality Action Plan in the Management Plan Review. Recommendations include outreach and encouraging stewardship of water quality, communicating findings of projects and monitoring conducted by the Water Quality Protection Plan (WQPP), facilitating and coordinating regional efforts to improve water quality through the WQPP Committee, AWQA, stormwater programs and Integrated Regional Water Management programs, understanding the land-sea connection and quantifying effectiveness of management practices.

Motion made by Katherine O’Dea to make the Recreation and Tourism Subcommittee a working group.


   February 17th

Recommendations from Motorized Personal Water Craft Subcommittee to MBNMS Advisory Council. Recommendations that the Management Plan and regulations be changed to allow MPWC use at Mavericks during High Surf Advisory conditions were approved.

Recommendations from Overflight Working Group (GFNMS) to MBNMS Advisory Council. Recommendations include changing chart markings, reconsidering Class-B airspace, and gathering data were approved.

Recommendations from Wildlife Disturbance – Approach Issues Working Group to MBNMS Advisory Council. Twelve recommendations regarding various user groups approaching and viewing whales were approved.

Recommendations from the Conservation Working Group (CWG) to the MBNMS Advisory Council approved. The recommended four proposed strategies regarding marine debris including policy, data aggregation, education and outreach, and research and monitoring.





2016 Meeting Actions

  December 8th

Letter from Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) to Dr. Mary Papazian (President, San Jose Stae University) in Support of a State-funded research vessel to be operated by Moss Landing Marine Laboratories and Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

Motion made by Al Budris to set up a subcommittee tasked with putting together facts on World Heritage Site status to inform the AC. Seconded by Katherine O’Dea. Ed Smith made a friendly amendment to the motion for the subcommittee to fact find, bring the information back to the AC while still allowing time for stakeholders to provide feedback, then the entire AC will make recommendation to the MBNMS Superintendent.

Motion mad by Advisory Council to have the Chair sign a letter to the NOAA Administrator regarding law enforcement in NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary System. All advisory councils in the National Marine Sanctuary System were considering or had taken similar action. The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries planned to consider action on the letter after all of the advisory councils reached decisions about it.


  October 21st

Final Resolution Regarding Reaffirmation of Single-Use Plastic Bags Resolution from April 21st, 2011. The MBNMS Advisory Council reaffirmations support for federal and statewide legislative efforts and local ordinances to ban the use and distribution of single-use plastic bags.


  August 19th

Motion made to consider a letter of support for World Heritage site nomination at our next meeting. The letter will be drafted and edited by PJ Webb, Tucker Hirsch, Dan Haifley and John Hunt prior to the next meeting.


  June 17th

Management Plan Review working group for approach/disturbance of whales was created. Working Group Chair is Gary Hoffman and Vice Chair is Christina McGinnis.

Management Plan Review working group for harmful ocean noise was created. Working Group Chair is Bart Selby.


  April 21st

Letter from Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) to John Armor (Acting Director, ONMS) requesting that ONMS look into legal and jurisdictional issues regarding CEMEX sand mine. 4/21/2016

Response from John Armor (Director, ONMS) to Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) and MBNMS Advisory Council regarding CEMEX sand mine issues 2/1/2017

Motion made to agree with MBNMS Staff to move forward with working groups for wildlife disturbance by recreators and wildlife disturbance by ocean noise. The motion moved to create a working group for sustainable program funding outside of the Management Plan Review process.

Motion made to agree with MBNMS Staff to move forward with council workshops for beach nourishment – sediment management, beach nourishment – use of dredged materials, marine debris (non-entanglement), water quality – urban runoff and wildlife disturbance by entanglement.

Motion made to agree with MBNMS Staff to move forward with outside workshops for climate change, education and outreach – wildlife issues, water quality – HABs and AWQA.

Motion made to agree with MBNMS Staff to have MBNMS Staff address citizen science, desalination and water quality – regional program but to elevate the existing Motorized Personal Watercraft (MPWC) sub-committee to a working group. The MPWC working group will address safety training for volunteers at Mavericks, reducing the High Surf Warning requirement to a High Surf Advisory for MPWC use at Mavericks and adding locations for recreational use of and training on MPWC’s.

Motion made to agree with MBNMS Staff to hold off on AC input regarding boundary changes (north and south) but to move artificial reefs to the Staff to Address category.



  February 19th

Motion made to agendize the CEMEX Sand Mine issue as an action item for the April 2016 Advisory Council meeting.


2015 Meeting Actions

  October 23rd

Letter from Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) to NOAA Office of Law Enforcement Chief Jim Landon in support of the recruitment to backfill the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) position in Monterey, California. 11/19/15


  February 21st

Letter from Kirk Schmidt (Advisory Council Chair) to Assemblymember Mark Stone (California State Assembly) in support of his Assembly Bill 1603,which will provide a funding mechanism in the California Department of Parks and Recreation to support outdoor environmental education programs. 2/21/14


2014 Meeting Actions

  April 25th

Letter from Margaret (P.J.) Webb (Advisory Council Chair) to "All Interested Parties" in support of recognition and further involvement in leatherback sea turtle work by MBNMS. 8/22/14


  February 21st

Letter from Kirk Schmidt (Advisory Council Chair) to Assemblymember Mark Stone (California State Assembly) in support of his Assembly Bill 1603,which will provide a funding mechanism in the California Department of Parks and Recreation to support outdoor environmental education programs. 2/21/14


2013 Meeting Actions

  April 18th

Final Resolution Regarding Introduced Species Regulation. The MBNMS Advisory Council encourages the MBNMS to finalize proposed regulations for introduced species. 4/18/13

Final Resolution Regarding Proposed Bounday Expansion at CBNMS and GFNMS. The MBNMS Advisory Council supports expansion of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries as described by NOAA. 4/18/13



  February 7th

Letter from Paul Michel (Superintendent, MBNMS) to Dan Howard (Superintendent, CBNMS) and Maria Brown (Superintendent, GFNMS) in support of boundary expansion as proposed in the Notice of Intent. 2/15/13


2012 Meeting Actions

  December 13th

Letters from Kirk Schmidt (Advisory Council Chair) to Charlton Bonham (Director, CA DFG), Don Wolford (Chairman, PFMC), and Jim Kellog (President, DFG Commission) supporting policies on forage species management. 12/13/12

Final Resolution Regarding Forage Species Policy Support. The MBNMS Advisory Council supports policies on forage species recently adopted by the California Fish and Game Commission and the Pacific Fishery Management Council. 12/13/12



  April 19th

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to John Bryson (Secretary, DOC), Jane Lubchenco (Administrator, NOAA), and Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) supporting reactivation of the National Marine Sanctuaries Site Evaluation List. 04/19/12


2011 Meeting Actions

  December 8th

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to Jane Lubchenco (Administrator, NOAA) regarding the Advisory Council's support of the CA B-WET program, and request to fund the program through NOAA's budget. Includes transmittal letter from Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS). 12/20/11

Letter from Jane Lubchenco (Administrator, NOAA) addressing Advisory Council's support of the CA B-WET program, and request to fund the program through NOAA's budget. 04/16/12



  April 21st

Final Resolution Regarding Single-Use Plastic Bags. The MBNMS Advisory Council supports federal and statewide legislative efforts and local ordinances to ban the use and distribution of single-use plastic bags. 4/21/11


2010 Meeting Actions

  December 9th

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding the Advisory Council's support of increased funding for The Coastal Discovery Center.

Letter from Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) to Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) addressing Advisory Council's support for increased funding for The Coastal Discovery Center.

Open letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) regarding the Advisory Council's support of the Marine Interests Group ofSan Luis Obispo County in their effort to seek funding.




  October 21st

Final Resolution Regarding Salmon Declines. The MBNMS Advisory Council supports restoration, enforcement and education measures to protect the salmon in the MBNMS and SF Bay-Delta Estuary.


  Februarhy 18th

Letter from Chris Harrold (MBNMS Advisory Council Chair) and Richard Charter (GFNMS Advisory Council Chair) to Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding the Advisory Council's support of a dedicated Fisheries Enforcement Officer for the GFNMS management region.

Letter from Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) to Chris Harrold (MBNMS Advisory Council Chair) and Richard Charter (GFNMS Advisory Council Chair) responding to the Advisory Council's support of a dedicated Fisheries Enforcement Officer for the GFNMS management region.



2009 Meeting Actions

  June 19th

Letter from Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) to Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) regarding the Advisory Council's resolution to support protections from offshore drilling in the MBNMS.


  February 12th

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to Arnold Schwarzenegger (California State Governor) regarding the proposed prohibition of introduced species in California national marine sanctuaries.

Memo from Maria Brown (GFNMS Superintendent) and Paul Michel (MBNMS Superintendent) to William Douros (Director, ONMS West Coast Region) regarding the joint resolution on the issue of ocean acidification within west coast marine sanctuaries

Memo from Maria Brown (GFNMS Superintendent) and Paul Michel (MBNMS Superintendent) to Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding the joint resolution on wave energy projects within national marine sanctuaries.




2008 Meeting Actions

  December 12th

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding the Advisory Council's resolution to support protections from offshore drilling in the MBNMS.


  October 17th

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to Dan Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding National Choreography of Councils.


  June 20th

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to Rodney McInnis (Regional Administrator, NMFS) supporting the proposed NMFS rule to permanently prevent the harvest of all krill species 3-200 miles of the CA, OR & WA coasts.

Letter from Chris Harrold (Advisory Council Chair) to Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding the compliance & monitoring of vessel traffic lanes.



  February 15th

Letter from Maria Brown (GFNMS Superintendent) and Paul Michel (MBNMS Superintendent) to Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding the Advisory Council's resolution to support the Blue Oceans, Green Communities Initiative.

Letter from Maria Brown (GFNMS Superintendent) and Paul Michel (MBNMS Superintendent) to Daniel Basta (Director, ONMS) regarding the Advisory Council's resolution on staff & volunteer involvement with the Cosco Busan oil spill.



2007 Meeting Actions

  February 15th

Letter from Deborah Streeter (MBNMS Advicory Council Chair) & Barbara Emly (GFNMS Advicory Council Chair) to Dale Jones (Director, NOAA Office for Law Enforcement) regarding MOA for NOAA Enforcement at Maverick's Surf Contest

Letter from Karen Grimmer (MBNMS Acting Superintendent) & Maria Brown (GFNMS Superintendent) to Daniel J Basta (Director, NMSP) regarding MOA for NOAA Enforcement at Maverick's Surf Contest.

Letter from Daniel J Basta (Director, NMSP) to Deborah Streeter (MBNMS Advicory Council Chair) regarding NOAA Enforcement at Maverick's Surf Contest.

Letter from Daniel J Basta (Director, NMSP) to Barbara Emly (GFNMS Advicory Council Chair) regarding NOAA Enforcement at Maverick's Surf Contest.





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