MBNMS Ecosystem Observations 2002
photo Robert Schwemmer |
Whew. It was quite a year for us here at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. We dedicated a lot of time to our ten-year anniversary and to hosting a number of events that would allow the public to connect, or in some cases re-connect, to the sanctuary. We wanted people to remember why it is a special place, and why so many went to the trouble ten years ago to designate it.
Nearly 15,000 people participated in a number of events, with the largest turnout—more than 10,000—at the Oceans Fair in Monterey. So many people, so many partners helped make all the events a success, and we can't thank them enough. You may have heard me say it many times: we succeed in protecting this beautiful stretch of coast only because of the partnerships we have.
The other huge successes of the past year—launching the Threatened and Thriving conservation series, the first biological exploration of the Davidson Seamount, expansion and accolades for the Agricultural and Rural Lands water quality plan—come amidst a vortex of planning for the future with the management plan review process. If you haven't been participating with the review process to date, there is still time to help shape the future of the sanctuary.
In early 2003 we began a monumental task of stakeholder participation with fifteen working groups focusing on our key priority issues for the future. Our Sanctuary Advisory Council will deliberate on the efforts of those working groups this summer, and we hope to have a draft plan released in the winter.
Not much time to catch our breath, but the mission of the sanctuary, and the energy of the local communities, motivate us.
William J. Douros, Superintendent
NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Staff. photo Flossie Stowall for MBNMS |
A PDF version of this report is available here: ecoobs2002.pdf (1.4MB) |