MBNMS Site Characterization
This site characterization of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) is a summary of existing information about MBNMS natural resources. We consider this a "living document" to be continually updated. Two main products have been completed:
1) a summary document covering the MBNMS physical setting (Geology, Physical Oceanography, Climate & Meteorology, Chemical Oceanography), biological communities and assemblages (River Mouths, Brackish and Estuarine Wetlands; Coastal Dunes; Sandy Beaches; Rocky Intertidal; Kelp Forest and Rocky Subtidal; Shallow Soft Bottoms; Deeper Bottoms; Cold Seep Communities; Pelagic Habitats; Marine Mammals; Seabirds & Shorebirds; Anadromous Fishes), and human influences (Early Uses of Resources; Socioeconomic Uses; Resource Needs), and
2) a bibliographic database of peer-reviewed and "gray" literature pertinent to MBNMS, including all literature cited in the summary document as well as other pertinent references obtained from research, educational and resource management institutions; consulting groups; interviewed experts; and independent searches.