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Research Technical Report

The Monterey Bay Sanctuary Research Program: Science for Resource Management

Andrew DeVogelaere (1998)

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Seminar Series, September 23, 1998


Why do we need a Sanctuary Research Program in what is already a nationally recognized region for marine research? One of the goals of the National Marine Sanctuary Program is to promote scientific research for resource management decision making. By collaborating with existing regional research institutions and adding resources available to scientists, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) has been a model for applying marine science to resource management.

There are four components to the MBNMS Research Program: facilitating collaboration between research groups; providing technical information to decision makers; assessing Sanctuary health with monitoring programs, and encouraging research on resource management issues. Examples of activities related to each of these components will be presented, including an assessment of the former Ft. Ord Marine Exclusion zone; characterizing habitats of the continental shelf; monitoring beach-cast birds and mammals, and recent work on the exotic green crab. Finally, I will introduce the Sustainable Seas Expeditions to begin in Monterey Bay in April 1999. This will be a five- year effort to engage the nation in exploring and studying the national marine sanctuaries with a one-person submersible, the Deep Worker.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
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