Research Technical Report
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Central California Gillnet Effort and Bycatch of Sensitive Species, 1990-1998
Forney, K.A., S.R. Benson, and G.A. Cameron (2001)
In: E.F. Melvin, J.K. Parrish (eds.), Seabird Bycatch: Trends, Roadblocks, and Solutions. University of Alaska Sea Grant. AK-SG-01-01, p.141-160.
During the 1980s, extensive bycatch of seabirds and marine mammals in
central California's set gillnet fisheries prompted a series of area and
depth closures, which ultimately appeared successful at reducing mortality
of the species of primary concern, Common Murre (Uria aalge), sea
otter (Enhydra lutris), and harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
The effects of the restrictions, however, were confounded with changes
in the distribution and intensity of fishing effort during the early 1990s.
This study documents 1990 - 1998 patterns of fishing effort in the central
California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) gillnet fishery
and presents information on bycatch of the above three species. A National
Marine Fisheries Service observer program obtained bycatch data from 1990
to 1994, but was discontinued after 1994. Since then gillnet effort coincides
with higher beach deposition rates for all three species. In this study,
historical entanglement rate data are combined with estimates of fishing
effort for 1995 - 1998 to produce several sets of mortality estimates
based on a variety of assumptions. Without further data, it is not possible
to validate most of the assumptions. The range of total mortality estimates
for the 4-year period 1995 - 1998 is 5,918 - 13,060 Common Murres (S.E.
477 - 1,252), 144 - 662 harbor porpoises (S.E. 18 - 53), and 17 - 125
sea otters (S.E. 4 - 25), raising concern for all three species. The recent
changes in fishing effort and distribution underscore the importance of
monitoring variability in both fishing practices and the distribution
of vulnerable species when evaluating long-term fishery impacts.