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Research Technical Report

Sensitivity of Coastal Environments to Spilled Oil: Central California

Research Planning Inc. (May 2006)

Atlas, 41 maps


Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps have been developed for the coastal areas of Central California from Point Conception to Point Reyes National Seashore. The ESI maps are a compilation of information from three main categories: shoreline types, sensitive biological resources, and human-use resources.

The individual map pages in this atlas are divided according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute, 1-24,000-scale topographic quadrangle index. Black and white scanned images of these maps are used as a backdrop for each map page in the atlas.

How to Get ESI Data

Order ESI CDs, DVDs and/or hard copy maps at:

ESI CDs and DVDs may also be downloaded from the NOS Data Explorer site. Detailed instructions for download are available at the above link, or proceed directly to the Data Explorer site:

For additional information about ESI data go to:

Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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