Contributors to the MBNMS Site Characterization Project, October 1994-June
We owe a special thanks to the 00+ individuals and 30 institutions who have contributed hundreds of hours, backed by decades of local study in the MBNMS region, to provide us with the essential information which made this project possible.
MBNMS Project Staff, June 1996
Please refer to the MBNMS Research Institution Directory (/ROFM_CGI/bbSearch.html), the MBNMS Researcher Directory (/ROFM_CGI/bbSearch.html) or the MBNMS Local Research Institutions' Web Pages (/local_institutions.html) for more information about these contributors.
Experts interviewed by project staff (January - August 1995)
- David Ainley, Point Reyes Bird Observatory (current affiliation = J.T. Harvey and Associates)
- Alan Baldridge, Hopkins Marine Station (retired)
- Jim Barry, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Chuck Baxter, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- George Boehlert, NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group
- Mike Bonnell, UC Santa Cruz
- Bill Broenkow, MLML
- Greg Cailliet, MLML
- Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Kenneth Coale, MLML
- Pat Cotter, MBNMS/California Coastal Commission
- Andrew De Vogelaere, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (current affiliation = Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary)
- Steve Eittriem, U.S. Geological Survey
- Jim Estes, UC Santa Cruz/National Biological Service
- Ellen Faurot, Friends of the Sea Otter
- Mike Foster, MLML
- Dave Garrison, UC Santa Cruz
- Laura Gorodesky, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
- Roy Gordon, San Francisco State University (retired)
- Gary Greene, MLML
- Gary Griggs, UC Santa Cruz
- Tami Grove, California Coastal Commission
- Gene Haderlie, Naval Postgraduate School
- Chris Harrold, Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Jim Harvey, MLML
- Terry Jackson, MBNMS
- Ken Johnson, MLML
- Deborah Johnston, California Department of Fish and Game
- Aaron King, MBNMS
- Burney LeBoeuf, UC Santa Cruz
- John Miller, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
- Wendell Nuss, Naval Postgraduate School
- Jim Nybakken, MLML
- John Oliver, MLML
- Ken Parker, NOAA Oceans Application Branch
- Dick Parrish, NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group
- John Pearse, UC Santa Cruz
- Don Potts, UC Santa Cruz
- Denny Powers, Hopkins Marine Station
- Holly Price, MBNMS
- Bruce Robison, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Jan Roletto, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
- Leslie Rosenfeld, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (current affiliation = Naval Postgraduate School)
- Jim Rote, State Assembly of Research
- Rachel Saunders, Center for Marine Conservation
- Dina Stansbury, Friends of the Sea Otter
- Bill Schramm, NOAA Oceans Application Branch
- Dave Schwartz, Cabrillo College
- Gary Sharp, CIRIOS
- Mary Silver, UC Santa Cruz
- Jerry Spratt, California Department of Fish and Game
- Rick Starr, UC Sea Grant
- Stephenson, California Department of Fish and Game
- Les Strnad, California Coastal Commission
- Ron Tjeerdema, UC Santa Cruz
- Ed Ueber, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
- Steve Webster, Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Anna Weinstein, Center for Marine Conservation (current affiliation = Watershed Institute, CSU Monterey Bay)
- Doris Welch-Burman, UC Santa Cruz
- Nick Welschmeyer, MLML
Section Writers (August 1995 - April 1996)
- Geology: Gary Greene, MLML
- Physical Oceanography: William W. Broenkow, MLML
- Climate and Meteorology: Wendell Nuss, Naval Postgraduate School
- Chemical Oceanography: Kenneth Coale, Debbie Colbert, Eric Kingsley, Heidi Zamzow; MLML
- Water Quality: Holly Price, MBNMS
- Coastal Dunes: Peter Slattery, MLML
- Sand Beaches: Jim Oakden, MLML
- Rocky Intertidal: Andrew De Vogelaere, MBNMS
- River Mouths/Estuarine Wetlands: John Oliver, MLML and Bob Curry, CSU Monterey Bay
- Kelp Forests: Matt Edwards and Mike Foster, MLML
- Shallow Soft Bottoms: John Oliver and Rikk Kvitek, MLML
- Deeper Bottoms: Jim Nybakken, MLML
- Cold Seep Communities: Jim Barry, MBARI
- Pelagic Zone: Mary Silver, UC Santa Cruz, Judith Connor, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and Greg Cailliet, MLML
- Marine Mammals: Jim Harvey, MLML
- Seabirds &Shorebirds: David Ainley and Scott Terrill, Harvey & Associates
- Anadromous Fishes: Jennifer Nielsen, US Forest Service & Hopkins Marine Station
- Early Uses and Socioeconomic Uses: Anna Weinstein, Watershed Institute,
CSU Monterey Bay
Reviewers (January 1996 - June 1996)
- Anonymous
- Alan Baldridge, Hopkins Marine Station ret.
- Jim Barry, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Jane Caffrey, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
- Jim Carlton, Williams College
- Andrew De Vogelaere, MBNMS
- Jim Estes, Institute of Marine Sciences, UC Santa Cruz
- Ellen Faurot-Daniels, Friends of the Sea Otter
- Chuck Haugen, California Department of Fish and Game ret.
- Elizabeth Moore, NOAA Sanctuaries and Reserve Division
- Jennifer Nielsen, US Forest Service & Hopkins Marine Station
- John Pearse, UC Santa Cruz
- Caroline Pomeroy, Institute of Marine Sciences, UC Santa Cruz
- Robert Renard, Naval Postgraduate School ret.
- Bill Schramm, California State University at Monterey Bay
- Mark Silberstein, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
- Peter Slattery, MLML
- Jerry Spratt, California Department of Fish and Game
- Rick Starr, UC Sea Grant
- Mark Stephenson, California Department of Fish and Game
- Mary Yoklavich, NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group
- MBNMS Research Advisory Panel
Monterey Bay Symposium Speakers (March 9, 1996)
- Mike Weber, Author (formerly Center for Marine Conservation)
- Don Brutzman, Naval Postgraduate School
- Bob Curry, CSU Monterey Bay/UC Santa Cruz
- Andrew De Vogelaere, MBNMS
- Steve Ralston, National Marine Fisheries Service, Tiburon
Institutional Databases (January - October 1995)
- Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (Frank Barron)
- California Department of Fish and Game (Chuck Haugen, Larry Espinosa)
- Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Jenny Dugan)
- CMPAN, UC Sea Grant (Deborah McArdle)
- Ecology Database, National Biological Service
- Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (Andrew De Vogelaere, Mark Silberstein)
- Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (Jan Roletto)
- Hopkins Marine Station Library (Joe Wible)
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (Jim Barry, Bruce Robison)
- MLML (Benthic, Ichthyology, Marine Vertebrates)
- MLML Library (Joan Parker, Sheila Baldridge)
- Mussel Watch, California Dept Fish and Game (Mark Stephenson)
- Naval Postgraduate School Library (Layne Huseth)
- National Marine Fisheries Tiburon Lab Library (Gareth Penn)
- Point Reyes Bird Observatory Library
- Science Applications International Corporaton (Danny Heilprin)
- UC Sea Grant, Moss Landing (Rick Starr)
Scoping Meeting Participants (November - December 1995)
- Alan Baldridge, Hopkins Marine Station ret.
- Sheila Baldridge, MLML (retired)
- Jim Barry, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Mike Bonnell, UC Santa Cruz
- Bill Broenkow, MLML
- Pat Cotter, MBNMS/California Coastal Commission
- Andrew De Vogelaere, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (current affiliation = MBNMS)
- Steve Eittriem, US Geological Survey
- Roy Gordon, San Francisco State University (retired).
- Gary Greene, MLML
- Jim Harvey, MLML
- Aaron King, MBNMS
- Jim Nybakken, MLML
- John Oliver, MLML
- Rachel Saunders, Center for Marine Conservation
- Gary Sharp, CIRIOS
- Mary Silver, UC Santa Cruz
- Jerry Spratt, California Department of Fish and Game
- Dina Stansbury, Friends of the Sea Otter
- Mark Stephenson, California Department of Fish and Game
- Anna Weinstein, Center for Marine Conservation
- Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station
MBNMS Research Advisory Panel
RAP Executive Director: Dr. Andrew DeVogelaere, MBNMS
RAP Chair: Dr. Gregor Cailliet, MLML
- Mr. Terry Jackson, MBNMS
- Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Naval Postgraduate School
- Ms. Deborah Johnston, California Department of Fish and Game
- Mr. Mark Stephenson, California Department of Fish and Game
- Dr. James Rote, California State University at Monterey Bay
- Dr. Gary D. Sharp, CSU Monterey Bay
- Ms. Patricia Port, Department of the Interior
- Dr. Jane Caffrey, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
- Ms. Jan Roletto, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
- Dr. Dennis Powers, Hopkins Marine Station
- Dr. Chris Harrold, Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Dr. Bruce Robison, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Dr. Jim Harvey, MLML
- Dr. Geoff Wheat, National Undersea Research Program
- Dr.George Boehlert, NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group
- Ms. Karen Worcester, Regional Water Quality Control Board
- Ms. Tami Grove, California Coastal Commission
- Mr. Rick Starr, UC Sea Grant Extension Program
- Dr. Don Potts, UC Santa Cruz
- Dr. Steve Eittreim,U.S. Geological Survey
Alternate Institutional Members:
- Mr. Steve Mueller, Cuesta Community College
- Mr. Les Strnad, California Coastal Commission, Central Coast District
- Dr. James Watanabe, Hopkins Marine Station
- Ms. Mary Yoklavich, NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group
Questionnaire Respondents (May - July 1995)
- Doyle Hanan, California Dept of Fish and Game
- Ralph Larson, San Francisco State University
- Jeff Paduan, Naval Postgraduate School
- Steve Ralston, National Marine Fisheries Service Tiburon
- Frank Schwing, National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group
Technical Support for Site Characterization Session of MBNMS Symposium
(March 1996)
- Don Brutzman, Naval Postgraduate School
- Charles Peyton Taylor, Naval Postgraduate School
- James Schmit, Naval Postgraduate School
- Rick Starr, UC Sea Grant
- MBNMS Office Staff
Project Staff (October 1994 - June 1996)
- Rikk Kvitek, Project Director, MLML
- Jo Guerrero, Project Manager, MLML
- Kirsten Carlson, Graphic Design & Production
- Ray McClain, Internet / CD Links & Web Design, MLML
- Jill Baltan, MLML Graduate Assistant
- Lisa Cheney, MLML Graduate Assistant
- Carol Keiper, MLML Graduate Assistant
- Patty Nicely, MLML Graduate Assistant
- Jim Smith, UC Santa Cruz Undergraduate Intern