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SAC Meeting Agenda
August 22nd, 2003

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AUGUST 22, 2003



8:30 AM Coffee and Sign-in  
9:00 AM

Call to Order

Roll Call
(SAC Member list)

Stephanie Harlan

9:05 AM

Continuation of SAC Facilitated Work Session on Action Plans

  • Re-Cap of SAC Progress and Process for Review of Proposed Action Plans

Jennifer LeBarre

Bill Douros


Marine Mammals, Seabirds and turtle Disturbance

  • Strategies identified by SAC for discussion include: MMST-1; MMST-4; MMST-5; MMST-8

Operations & Administration

  • Strategies identified by SAC for discussion include: OA-3; OA-11

WQPP Implementation

  • Strategies identified by SAC for discussion include: WQPP-2; WQPP-4; WQPP-7; WQPP-14; Add WQPP-24

Beach Closures

  • Strategies identified by SAC for discussion include: BC-9


  • Strategies identified by SAC for discussion include: Text; DESAL-1; DESAL-2; DESAL-3; DESAL-4
12:15 PM

Next Steps for Joint Management Plan Review

Future SAC Meetings

Sean Morton
12:30 PM ADJOURN  



The public comment period is closed for the SAC's deliberations on the Proposed Action Plans. The times set on this agenda are approximate; the meeting may run longer or shorter than stated.


Directions to the UCSC Inn & Conference Center: From the south take Highway 1 North to Santa Cruz until the freeway makes a tight curve to the right. Take the Ocean Street exit. Continue on Ocean Street until you reach the UCSC Inn & Conference Center at 611 Ocean Street. The conference center will be on your right hand side. From the north take Highway 1 South through Santa Cruz, follow the signs for Highway 1 South. After the light at River Road, take the Ocean Street off ramp and follow the signs. Once on Ocean Street, follow the directions from the north. Click here for more directions.


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About SAC
The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council was established by Federal law to assure continued public participation in the management of the Sanctuary. Since its establishment in March 1994, the Council has played a vital role in the decisions affecting the Sanctuary along the central California Coast. The Council's nineteen voting members represent a variety of local user groups, as well as the general public, plus seven local, state and federal governmental jurisdictions. In addition, the respective managers for the four California National Marine Sanctuaries (Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary) and the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve sit as non-voting members. Members are appointed competitively by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and serve three-year terms. The Council meets bi-monthly in open sessions located throughout the 360-mile boundary of the Sanctuary.

The Council maintains a firm commitment to the goals and objectives of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Program. The Council appreciates the efforts of volunteers, non-profit organizations, businesses, and citizens, without whose support the mission of the Sanctuary would be difficult to realize.


Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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