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FINAL Sanctuary Advisory Council Hybrid Meeting
August 18th, 2023

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8/18/2023 Agenda

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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Advisory Council Hybrid Meeting

This is a hybrid meeting (in person and virtual) being held a:
Hartnell College Room D385, Salinas, CA

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday, August 18th, 2023


9:00 AM Call to Order, Webinar Technology Check-in & Roll Call
  • Welcome from Agriculture seats Sarah Lopez and Marieke Desmond
  • Roll Call
  • Swear in Michael Esgro
  • Approval of May 2023 meeting minutes
Pamela Neeb (Chair), Sarah Lopez (Secretary), Lisa Wooninck (MBNMS)
  Standard Reports from Staff

MBNMS Permit Report (97K PDF*) PDF
MBNMS Office Report (1M PDF*) PDF
Conservation Working Group Meeting Notes (K PDF*)  
Research Activity Panel Meeting Notes (224K PDF*) PDF
Advisory Council Member Announcements (K PDF*)  
9:15 AM Standing Item: Superintendent's Report
A report on important or newsworthy activities conducted by staff since the last AC meeting
  • Draft Work Plan 2024
Lisa Wooninck (MBNMS), Maria Brown (CBNMS/GFNMS)
10:00 AM Information Item: DEI Presentation
Presentation on MBNMS engagement with Indigenous Communities using best practices.
Lisa Wooninck (MBNMS), Erica Burton (MBNMS)
10:30 AM Break (15 minutes)  
10:45 AM Information Item: Research Team Update
Andrew DeVogelaere (MBNMS)
11:15 AM Action Item: Climate Vulnerability Assessment results
Vote to convene a subcommittee of AC or working group of AC to refine the adaptation strategies (likely a 9 – 12 month process)
Steve Lonhart (MBNMS), Grace Kumaishi (MBNMS)
12:00 PM Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda Pamela Neeb (Chair)
12:15 PM Lunch (45 min)  
1:00 PM Action Item: Responsible Travel Initiative Support
Presentation on Responsible Travel Initiative by Monterey County Visitors and Convention Bureau and vote to send letter of support.
Rob O’Keefe, Alyssa Rendon
1:30 PM Potential Action Item: Chumash Heritage NMS Support Letter
Pending release of management plan, possibility of special session during comment period
Dan Haifley
1:45 PM Information Item: Reducing marine debris and microplastics in the sanctuary
Bridget Hoover (MBNMS), Chad King (MBNMS), Karen Grimmer (MBNMS)
2:30 PM Break (15 minutes)  
2:45 PM Information Item: Update on M1W
Presentation on required conditions for operations, and activities related to the settlement funds
Bridget Hoover (MBNMS)
3:15 PM Member Announcements
Each seat will be provided 3 minutes for reporting, 5 min for working groups
4:00 PM Adjourn Pamela Neeb (Chair)



  • Public comment on agenda items will be heard prior to SAC discussion/deliberation
  • A motion for action may be made by a council member at any time, provided there is a quorum
  • Materials corresponding to items on this or other agendas are available here or contact Robbin Porter at (831) 647-4206 or by email.


From Monterey:

Take CA-1 north to Exit 408 for Imjin Parkway
Turn right onto Reservation Road
Use the left two lanes to turn left onto Blanco Road
Turn left onto South Davis Rd
Turn right onto Central Ave

From Santa Cruz:

CA-1 south
Take a slight left onto Merritt St
Take CA-183 south
Take the South Davis Rd Exit
Merge onto South Davis Rd
Turn left onto Central Ave


You may park in the Parking Structure or any other lots on campus in the non-colored spaces (orange are for staff). No daily pass is required. However, there is no backing up into a space or a ticket will be issued.

View Hartnel College College Administration North #D385 on a larger map

Virtual Meeting Directions:

Please Read All Directions
  1. This meeting will use Google Meet, a multi-platform program that's free to use.

    Join with Google Meet

    Meeting ID: xxf-rpkz-pra
    If you cannot join online, you may call in using:
    (US)+1 409-444-2767
    PIN: 657 755 060

  2. You will be asked to enter muted, but with your video on.
  3. Public Members: To give a public comment, use the "Raise Hand" feature, and when called upon by the meeting moderator you will need to unmute and and will be given 3 minutes for a verbal comment. Public comment will be received during the 15-minute public comment session beginning at 12:00 pm or during the designated time for each agenda item.
  4. If you have trouble accessing the Google Meet, or problems during the session that you are unable to enter into the comment box, or just basic questions, you can send an email to or call/text (831) 419-8251.


About Sanctuary Advisory Council
The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (advisory council) was established by Federal law to assure continued public participation in the management of the Sanctuary. Since its establishment in March 1994, the advisory council has played a vital role in the decisions affecting the Sanctuary along the central California Coast. The advisory council's nineteen voting members represent a variety of local user groups, as well as the general public, plus seven local, state and federal governmental jurisdictions. In addition, the respective managers for the four California National Marine Sanctuaries (Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary) and the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve sit as non-voting members. Members are appointed competitively by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and serve three-year terms. The advisory council meets bi-monthly in open sessions located throughout the 360-mile boundary of the Sanctuary.

The advisory council maintains a firm commitment to the goals and objectives of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Program. The advisory council appreciates the efforts of volunteers, non-profit organizations, businesses, and citizens, without whose support the mission of the Sanctuary would be difficult to realize.

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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