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General Information and Program


Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Symposium
-Sanctuary Currents 2012-

April 14, 2012


California State University,
Monterey Bay,
University Center, Sixth Street,
Seaside, CA

The land and sea are inextricably connected, from the tops of the mountains to the bottom of the ocean. Learn about some of the fascinating research and conservation activities taking place in our watersheds, wetlands, kelp forests and deep sea. Follow the links from land to sea, as scientists tell us their tales of tracking mountain lions and studying sea otters to searching for bioluminescent creatures of the deep.





Program Flyer


  • Institute For Applied Marine Ecology
  • California State University, Monterey Bay
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Save The Earth
  • NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center
  • NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Program of Events

8:00 - 8:45 am Registration
(This is a free event, pre-registration is NOT necessary)
9:00 am Welcome
9:15 - 9:40 am Mountain Lion Behavior in a Human Dominated Landscape
Yiwei Wang, PhD Candidate, UC Santa Cruz
9:40 - 10:05 am Glamour, Drama and Intrigue - A Central Coast Water Quality Story
Robert Ketley, Engineer, City of Watsonville
10:05 - 10:30 am From Sources to Sea Otters: What Animals Can Teach Us About Water Quality and Fecal Pathogen Pollution in California
Dr. Woutrina Miller, UC Davis
10:30 - 11:00 am BREAK
11:00 - 11:25 am Into the Deep and What We Saw There: Characterizing the Shelf in the MBNMS
Dr. James Lindholm, Institute for Applied Marine Ecology, CSU Monterey Bay
11:25 - 11:50 am What Glows Below...Bioluminescence in the Deep-sea
Dr. Steven Haddock, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
11:50 - 12:30 am LUNCH
12:30 - 2:15 pm RESEARCH POSTERS
2:15 - 3:00 pm Ricketts Memorial Lecture:
What Does $4,000,000,000/Year in Agriculture Mean to Our Coastal Ocean? Lessons from LOBO (the Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory)

Dr. Ken Johnson
3:00 - 3:15 pm Research Poster Awards


  • From Highway 1:
    Exit at the CSUMB/Fort Ord Main Entrance, which turns into Light Fighter Drive. Proceed on Light Fighter Dr. past General Jim Blvd. and make the next left onto Colonel Durham Rd. Continue on Durham and make the first left onto Sixth Avenue. The University Center (building with distinctive "white tent" roof) is on your left.
  • From Salinas:
    Take Reservation Road. Turn left on Imjin Road, then turn take the first left onto Abrams Drive. Where Abrams ends at a stop sign, turn right onto Inter-Garrison Road. Turn left onto Seventh Avenue. Turn right onto B Street. Turn left onto Sixth Avenue. The University Center (building with distinctive "white tent" roof) is on your left.
  • CSUMB Campus Map (524KB PDF*)
  • Printable Driving Directions (487KB PDF*)
  • CSUMB Map and Directions
Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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