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Please take time to visit the exhibitor tables in the Lobby featuring organizations addressing marine debris. Mingle and find out about their activities and volunteer opportunities. There are many ways we can all reduce marine debris. Find out how you can make a difference and get involved with one of these organizations. How do you pitch in?

5 Gyres Institute -
An institute dedicated to conducting research and communicating the global impact of plastic pollution in the world's oceans and employing strategies to eliminate the accumulation of plastic pollution in the 5 subtropical gyres.

70 Degrees West -
A multimedia documentary project that explores a changing climate and the strength of the human spirit from the North Pole to the South Pole along a single line of longitude. This project hopes to expand global awareness of the impact our modern world has on environmental and humanitarian struggles in several unique and fragile eco-regions.

Institute for Applied Marine Ecology, California State University Monterey Bay -
An institute at CSUMB that focuses on user-driven science, connecting original ecological research with end-users in state, federal and international governments, with students as an integral part of the data collection process.

NOAA's Marine Debris Program -
A federal program dedicated to investigating and solving the problems that stem from marine debris, in order to protect and conserve our nation's marine environment, natural resources, industries, economy, and people.

NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary -
A federally protected marine area offshore of California's central coast established for the purpose of resource protection, research, education, and public use. Volunteers help educate visitors about wildlife, collect important research data from sanctuary beaches and watersheds, and provide advice on key sanctuary management and protection issues.

Plastic Pollution Coalition -
A global alliance of individuals, organizations, and businesses working together to stop plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals and the environment through a variety of campaigns, that seek to educate and encourage action on the topic of plastic pollution.

Save the Earth -
A non-profit corporation dedicated to the expansion of environmental awareness in our society, and funding environmental research at colleges and universities. Author Chet Forrest will exhibit his new book, Emotions for the Ocean, with short stories about science and conservation.

Surfrider Foundation, Monterey Chapter -
An organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the oceans, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network. Surfrider offers many campaigns and programs that citizens can join, including beach cleanups and youth education programs.


Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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