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MBNMS SAC Recruitment Fall 2023: General Requirements

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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Expectations for Advisory Council
Fall 2023 Recruitment

The National Marine Sanctuary System regards the involvement of communities and the development of a stewardship ethic as vitally important to successfully conserve sanctuary resources. An important way to achieve this involvement is through the formation of a sanctuary advisory council. Advisory council members serve as ambassadors between the sanctuary staff and the various communities and users adjacent to its boundary. They actively engage their constituencies and work with the sanctuary staff to resolve issues and concerns. As such, we are looking for highly motivated people who are able and willing to volunteer their time to help us reach out and work constructively with the diverse interests, users and communities that have a stake in the resources of the sanctuary.


  1. Advisory council members serve three-year terms1 as volunteers to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and are not paid. If necessary, travel expenses to and from meeting locations may be reimbursed.
  2. Attend regularly scheduled advisory council meetings2. Meetings are typically scheduled five times annually (February, April, August, October, December), and usually last all day on the third Friday of the month. An additional annual retreat may also be scheduled. Meetings are held at different regions throughout the almost 300-mile boundary of the sanctuary.
  3. Advisory council members are expected to actively reach out and communicate to the various constituencies and groups they represent within and adjacent to the sanctuary. This includes communicating sanctuary issues and policies to constituents and bringing issues and concerns to the attention of the advisory council and the sanctuary
  4. Attend and participate in advisory council working group and subcommittee meetings, as necessary, to gain additional knowledge and discuss specific issues important to their constituencies.


1College seat will serve a two-year term
2Alternates are encouraged to attend all advisory council meetings, and participate in discussions. However, alternates only have voting privileges when the primary representative cannot attend a meeting.
Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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