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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Awards


In 1993, in celebration of the first anniversary of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, a series of awards were presented to people and organizations who contributed significantly to the development of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary through education, conservation, research, business, political, and public involvement. In subsequent years, awards have been presented to people and organizations that have greatly contributed to the implementation of programs geared towards meeting the goals of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

2000/2001 Awards


Public Official: Oscar Rios
Citizen: Ralph Neal
Conservation: Donna Myers
Education: Arlene Breise
Science/Research: Dr. Michael Foster
Business: Pacific Merchant Shipping Association
Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Special Recognition: Monterey Bay Aquarium & Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories



Public Official: Oscar Rios

Mr. Oscar Rios, former Mayor, City of Watsonville, has been an outstanding supporter of the Sanctuary programs; worked with the Sanctuary and the California Coastal Commission on a collaborative effort to increase public awareness of strorm drain pollution through the Model Urban Runoff Program (MURP) in the City of Watsonville; and continues to participate in events and activities that support awareness and protection of the marine environment.

Citizen: Ralph Neal

Mr. Ralph Neal of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, has generously provided volunteer aircraft services to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary on short notice over the past several years; has voluntarily distributed Sanctuary brochures to public outlets in Monterey on his own initiative; taught safe boating courses for Sanctuary staff; and has been an active volunteer in marine conservation related activities. Ralph Neal is truly a citizen steward of our ocean resources, having committed his time and talents for years to preserve the beauty and riches of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Conservation: Donna Myers

Ms. Donna Myers was an early supporter of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary; founded the Coastal Watershed Council, one of the most effective watershed outreach and education organizations in the region, and served as its Executive Director until 2000; developed a "Citizen's Guide" to Sanctuary-related organizations; and was one of the early founders of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Watershed Monitoring Network.

Education: Arlene Breise

Ms. Arlene Breise has dedicated over 30 years to the marine science education field and has spent the past 16 years with the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Education Team, most of that time as Youth Programs Manager. Her legacy includes the institution and/or support of a wide variety of programs including: the Student Oceanography Club, the Community Conservation Partnership Program, the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Young Women in Science Program, the Monterey Dunes Natural History Association, and "Coast Walkers".

Science/Research: Dr. Michael Foster

Dr. Michael Foster, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, conducts research related to the population and community ecology of seaweeds, as well as the causes of intertidal zonation, the structure and organization of kelp communities, and the impacts of oil spills on temperate reefs. Dr. Foster is a stron advocate of science-based environmental management; and consistently and vigorously encourages the enthusiasm and abilities of his students and colleagues concerning the magnificence of seaweeds.

Business: Pacific Merchant Shipping Association

Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) has worked for the past four years with the Sanctuary to develop and carry out recommendations for reducing the risk of oil spills or other contamination in Sanctuary waters. PMSA represents US and foreign-flag vessels that trade in the Pacific Basin, including containerships, bulk freighters, tug and barge operators, and tankers. John McLaurin, President of the Association, will accept on behalf of PMSA. Mr. McLaurin was instrumental in working with the Sanctuary to find a creative solution that protects Sanctuary resources wile sustaining the economic viability of the vital shipping industry.

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Dr. Michael D. Carr, Western Region Chief Scientist, Coastal and Marine Geology, U.S. Geological Survey, will accept the award on behalf of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), which has been monitoring water resources and mapping the landscapes and geology of the Sanctuary's seafloor, beaches, and coastal cliffs in the central California coast for many decades. USGS continues its support through participation in the Sanctuary Research Activities Panel and Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium.

Special Recognition: Monterey Bay Aquarium & Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

This year's award is presented jointly to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, represented by Dr. Chris Harrold, Director of Conservation Research, and the Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, represented by Lisa Uttal, Executive Director, for the "Saving Our Seas" series of public forums, which is in its second year. The forums bring together influential scientists for dialogue and discussion of issues vital to the health of the oceans in the new millennium. This award recognizes the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories for their partnership in developing and presenting these educational sessions; and for their collaboraive efforts to raise awareness of ocean issues, and to offer participants tools they can use to make a difference to the health of oceans and marine life.

Past MBNMS Award Winners

Reviewed: March 05, 2025
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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