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Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I:
Executive Summary
Part II:
The Affected Environment
  I. Regional Context
  II. Sanctuary Resources
  III. Human ActivitiesI
  IV. Existing Resource Protection Regime
Part III:
Alternatives Including The Preferred Alternative
  I. Boundary Alternatives
  II.Regulatory Alternatives
  III. Management Alternatives
Part IV
Environmental Concequences
  I. Boundary Alternatives
  II. Regulatory Alternatives
  III. Management Alternative Consequences
  IV. Unavoidable Adverse Environmental or Socioeconomic Effects
  V. Relationship Between Short-term Uses of the Environment and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-term Productivity
Part V:
Sanctuary Management Plan
  I. Introduction
  II. Resource Protection
  III. Research
  IV. Education
  V. Administration
Part VI:
List of Preparers and Alternatives
Part VII:
List of Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Receiving Copies
Part VIII:
Part IX
    A. Federal Advisory Committee Act  
    B. Proposed Notice of Designation and Final Rule Making  
      I: Background  
      II: Designation Document  
      III: Summary of Final Management Plan  
      IV: Summary of Regulations  
      V. Miscellaneous Rulemaking Requirements  
    C. Existing State and Federal Authorities Relevant to the Sanctuary C-1
    I. State and Federal Authorities Applicable to the Monterey Bay Area C-3

II. State Authorities

    A. California Coastal Act C-3
    B. California Environmental Protection Agency C-5
    C. Water Quality Control Act C-6
    D. Fish and Game Code C-6
    1. Regulations of Sport and Commercial Fishing C-7
    2. Endangered Species C-8
    3. Protection of Migratory Birds C-8
    4. Oil Spill Contingency Plans C-8
    E. SB 2040, Lempert-Keene Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act C-9
    F. Cunningham-Shell Tidelands Act C-3
    G. Control of Oil Discharges from Vessels C-10
    H. Air Resources C-11

III. Federal Authorities

    A. Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act C-12
    B. Endangered Species Act C-12
    C. Marine Mammal Protection Act C-13
    D. Migratory Bird Treaty Act C-14
    E. Clean Water Act C-15
    F. Rivers and Harbors Act C-16
    G. Ports and Waterways Safety Act C-17
    H. Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships C-18
    I. Oil Pollution Act C-19
    J. Federal Aviation Act C-21
    K. Clean Air Act C-21
    L. Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act C-22
    M. Title I of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act C-22
    N. National Historic Preservation Act C-23
    O. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act C-23
    IV. Additional Special Areas/Agencies C-24 A. Los Padres National Forest C-24
    F. Responses to Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plan  
    G. Water Quality Memorandum of Agreement  
    H. Opinion of Counsel on Designation of Ocean Dump Sites  
    I. NOS/NMFS Memorandum of Understanding  
Reviewed: July 18, 2024
Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service

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